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Chaiii. What have I done now.
Questions ran through my terrified mind. "could it be Ive been too long? Have I forgot to flush the toilet after I drained my BADD? Chaiii... God help my innocent soul".

FUNKEH! My brother shouts "RUUUUUN" I know when one of my siblings say this I run or die. "RUUUUUUUUN MAMA IS GOING TO GET THE STICKKKK".
I'm sweating even though the vasaline isn't on my face... I run and slip. My "MAMA PLANTED A TRAAAAP" Chaiii God help me. I go under my covers and all I hear it the swinging of the stick.

"Where have you been" she said "I.. I.. I went *smack* " FUNKEH did I say to speak?" bu.. But... Mo.. *SWING SLAP CRACK.

Yoooooohoooooo. The stick is brocken!

Now is my chance to run for my life.
I run to the kitchen... (sorry for all the dots) now I realise why I'm in trouble.

To be continued.
Plz follow these animals YallsTea herejiminyourjams

Zayum I've only done this much? Sorry... If u follow me ill shot u out next time. CYAAAAAAA

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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