Chapter 1: Wakeing up

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~Mai's POV~

My mind formed a picture in my head as I drew in my notebook, pencil meeting paper as the sounds of scribbling and erasing sounded throughout the silent room of which I sat in. Dark blonde hair hung around my shoulders, draping my chest as my dark greyish blue eyes studied the page intently, focusing on the drawing before me. Many of my friends would comment on my drawings, telling me I was very good at it, though I didn't believe it was that good. I was drawing a OC, an Arrancar. It had striking waist length, very dark red hair, with one black eye and one blue with a bone spanning it's forehead, making it look like a delicate crown trace across it, as its shape only when half way around, and did not connect around her head with the middle curved down sharply, leaving a V shape, with a dark blue gem positioned in the middle of the V. The shirt on the arrancar was white, fixed with black lining that just covered most of a well, very large chest, that went up with thin straps over the shoulders, also it wore fingerless black gloves up to its elbow, and was fashioned with low riding white pants that hugged its hips, but was larger around her legs, giving it a sweeping look. The drawings shoes were simple, white sandal like shoes that fitted perfectly on the slightly tall figure, which had a Zanpakuto on its left shoulder, and it had a hollow hole in its palm, but obviously hidden by its gloves.

I looked proudly at my finished drawing, and thought silently for a second. 'Sometimes, I wish I could be in Bleach.. I wish I was the character I just drew. She looks awesome, and her powers would be too. Ha, that'll come true the day we can travel through time.' I snorted at my pathetic thoughts. My father always told her to wake up to reality, get your nose out of the books and focus. My response was silent, only spoken in my mind. 'Reality hurts to much.' I had told myself, knowing full well that reality is going to come back and bite me in the ass.

I yawned, glancing at the clock beside my bed, in which I was sitting indian style, notebook in lap, and looked to the time. 11:05. Even if it was the weekend, I wasn't a 'stay up all night' person. It took a lot to make myself stay up past ten. I stood, and put my notebook away, walking across the room and flipping the lightswitch, coating the room in thick blackness. My eyes tuned into the blackness, catching the light flooding in from the bright moon and the awakened stars winking brightly outside my window as I curled up to sleep, snuggling under the blankets warmth with a shiver, only now realizing how chilly it was.

Uncomfortable. The first thing that popped into my groggy head as I forced my heavy body up on weak limbs, before blinking heavy eyes open, trying to make certain of where I was. 'This sure as hell isn't my room.' I thought annoyed, not being the best person for mornings. I stood shakily, and looked around my surroundings in confusion. My eyes caught only sand, dimly lit by a large half moon hanging in the seemingly dead sky. Nothing moved, no signs of life or anything, as I looked around, becoming more and more scared as I woke up from the deep slumber I had been in. My body turned around and I spotted something in the far distance. It was huge looking, to say the least, and my eyes watched intently for signs of life in that direction.

Before I could move, my eyes caught something dark red hanging down to my waist, and I jumped, looking down at an unfamiliar body. My chest was bigger, and I had a white shirt that had about inch wide straps and only came down a few inches under my large chest. I could see my belly button, but I was also fixed with low riding white pants that snugly fit around my waist, but the legs were larger, and it swept out when I walked. My skin was perfect, a light shade of a tan across it. I lifted my arms and saw black fingerless gloves and on a whim, I grabbed the right one and pulled it off. There was a hole taking up most of my palm! My eyes widened and the realization hit me. "Holy shit I'm an Arrancar!" I spoke out loud in shock. I couldn't help but think of my family, will they recognize me? Can I ever go back? My mind wouldn't shut up. 'Calm down Mai, and get over it. If you're stuck here than get a freakin' move on!' A voice spoke inside my head. A voice in my head. I freaked out to say the least, wildly looking around to try and make it so I could prove it wasn't just A VOICE IN MY FREAKIN' HEAD. 'MAI! I'M YOUR ZANPAKUTO!' It yelled. In my head. My zanpakuto.. but.. I finally got what it was, Chi No Ryuu, or Blood Dragon.

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