Chapter 2: An Espada

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I woke up to a knock on my door. I stood up groggily and tried to sort out what happened, not having my full memory back. I remember quickly, and recovered from the shock a second time, and walked to the door and opened to a stoic Ulquiorra. "Aizen wishes to see you in the throne room." He told me as he waited for me to grab Chi No Ryuu. I followed him down the hallways once more and tried to pay attention this time as we traveled down the similar white hallways. My eyes kept watching the white walls, hoping for possible changes in the coloring from white. 'They need a new color! I mean who picked this color, Tousen?' I almost laughed at the thought of turning to him for advice on the colors of the walls, but then again it would make sense. I could picture it perfectly.

He reached the same giant doors, this time from the opposite side that he had first led me from and this time entered without knocking. He swiftly moved across the room and I followed, surveying the people in the room, in which held all the espada, I could only think of this as an espada meeting. I looked to Aizens evil egotistical smirk that sent disgusted shivers down my spine, but I ignored it and focused on analyzing the espada. My opposite eyes looked slowly over the espada, who sat looking calculating me in front of them. A lot of people looked uncaring, not really wanting to be here at all, some looking at me in disgust, as if I was weak. I really wanted to punch someone suddenly. I mean, I hadn't been the best person in high school, well I did get into a few fights defending my friends from bullies, so it wasn't new, but I was surprised how a few looked at me like I'm weak made me so pissed. I glowered back at them, and held my head high. They would be surprised when I released Chi No Ryuu.

"Welcome, Mai. I wanted you here so we could determine your rank among arrancars. You will either be placed as an Espada, the elite group of the most powerful arrancars, or the Numeros. You can pick any number you want, Uno being the strongest." Aizen explained to me, but I had already known what I was here for since I wasn't stupid. I'd known since I saw the espada gathered in the room. "How about.. Uno." I said, breathing boredly. See, if I won, I'd get to boss the espada around. If I died, well then I guess I get nothing, but I really doubt I'll lose. Some of the espadas snorted, and Starrk just sat there looking bored at me. Aizen raised an eyebrow at my bold choice, but nodded. "Let us exit Los Noches so we don't destroy it." Aizen ordered, and in a few minutes we were in an endless sea of sand.

Starrk didn't look serious at all, actually he looked slightly annoyed at having to fight me. I watched seriously, mainly because I haven't finished the war arc, so I had no idea what was coming at me. I just knew I needed to match it. My faced stayed the same, not like Ulquiorra's stoic stare, but it stayed serious as I studied him. Suddenly a small child was next to him, looking pissed off. I knew that at least that was Lilynette Gingerback (Sp?) from fan-fictions, and things that included information on it, but I didn't know how he fought. "Lets just get this over with so I can go back to sleep." He muttered with a yawn and I watched in interest as he placed his hand on the smaller childs head. "Kick About, Los Lobos" He sighed bordley and I pulled my sword silently from my sheath and braced myself for anything. A cloud of dust and sand blocked my vision from my opponent and I tried to focus my eyes ahead of me as I stared out into the cloud of dust. When it finally settled, he stood, two guns, one in either hand and he raised one and pointed it at me, and suddenly a cero fired from it at me. The large attack came at me with a lot of force, but I held my ground, gritting my teeth, trying to keep my sword blocking it. It wasn't exactly easy, but I didn't even get blown back. Lowering my sword, some Espada looked surprised to see I survived, and stayed in the same place. I sighed, and looked at him. "A cero is not enough to kill me. Plus, if you try, this will be over much earlier." I sighed and eyed him, and he looked right back at me. "Wouldn't you want to release before I attack." He pointed out, and I could tell some people were looking with interest. "Fine then, your funeral." I grinned happily and pointed my sword down. "Rip and Tear, Chi No Ryuu" I glowed black, and I knew it was too dark for them to see. Chi No Ryuu had gone over my appearance already, but I will re-explain it. Because I look amazing.

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