between a rock and a hard snape

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all belongs to JKRBetween a Rock and a Hard Snape by BertaApr 04

Curses were flying everywhere as the battle split into individual duels. She heard a loud crack some ware above her but she could not look, as she was busy with the man in front of her. She didn't know whether the hex she cast worked or not as suddenly there was a flurry of billowing black robes and a heavy body collided with hers, throwing her to the ground and rolling several times. She caught a glimpse of where she had just been standing and there was a large chunk of the tower she had stood in front of. Her rescuer quickly rolled them back toward the large chunk of stone.

She grunted as they came to a stop with most of his weight on top of her. She could feel him flinch as "small" stones rained down along with larger slabs. She wrapped her arms around his head and buried her face in his neck in what she was sure was a vain attempt to keep their skulls whole.

When she woke the dust had cleared and it was quite dark. Hermione Granger was surprised to be alive. When she reviewed what had happened several things clicked into place - billowing black robes, insanely fast reflexes, the smell of potions ingredients, and the slightly greasy hair in her face - SNAPE!

Hermione became aware of their position, like lovers fallen asleep after climax. She wondered why that thought didn't make her want to gag.

She was, aside from a few stones digging into her back, actually quite comfortable. He stirred and groaned, his face turning into her neck where his breath began to tickle. She shivered, evidently catching his attention. He groaned again and nuzzled her neck kissing lightly.

"Mmmmm," she tilted her head slightly "Nice as that feels, Professor, I don't think is going to help."

The sound of his head striking the stone above them was like thunder. The stones bit into her back and an "ooof" escaped her as he collapsed back on to her unconscious. She couldn't tell weather he had been embarrassed or revolted by what had just happened. He had obviously been trying to remove himself from his position atop her person.

She felt the back of his head and reassured herself that he was not bleeding. She then pushed and wiggled to get them into a more comfortable position. While doing this she realized there was a weight on her shins, a weight that was not Snape related. This set her to exploring their accommodations the wall to her right was only thee or four inches from his left shoulder. The ceiling was less than eight inches above his back and sloped toward their feet and to her right as well, she couldn't actually find the wall to that side.

Snape moved again. Hermione put one hand on the back of his head and with the other moved the hair out of his face. He opened his eyes and glared at her. Not that either of them could actually see much in the gloom. As she tucked the hair behind his ear she said in a mock scold, "Don't do that again."

His glare intensified "Do what? Miss Granger."

"Pass out" she replied softly. His glare turned to a wince as she moved her hand his eyes fallowed it to the rock his head had recently come in contact with "the ceiling is very low, I don't think you need another blow to the head." she continued.

She felt his weight shift and ease up off of her as he lifted himself onto his elbows and heard him growl an explicative. She realized he had tried to roll off and discovered the weight on their lower legs. He lifted a little further and asks " can you get out?" She wiggled and shook her head and said "No".

She wiggled again and arched her back reaching behind/under herself and pulled out one of the rocks that kept digging into her. She then lifted her hips to get the one under her buttock "lift up a little more, Professor" she said as she pressed up against him. As he shifted slightly he growled, "I am as 'up' as I'm going to get, Miss Granger." she had to fight not to laugh at the double meaning of that statement as she realized what she was doing to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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