A lot of colors

13 0 0

You wake up in your bed and look at the ceiling and remember that you spent your entire weekend playing fallout 4 again. You get out of bed and look at the clock it's 6:13. You get out of bed and go downstairs to the kitchen. You decide to make some toast. As you're waiting for your toast you go to your sister's room and look at her phone to see if she actually talked to someone For once in her life. You open her phone and look at her contacts. You see that she has one new contact but before you can check the name your sister shuffles around in her bed as if she's about to wake up so you get out of her room. You see that you see that your toast is done. After you eat your toast you walk to school.

You walk inside the math classroom and sit at your desk and immediately fall asleep as you always do. When you wake up you see people crowding a single desk. You were puzzled why everyone was at one desk and you would ask your teacher but you're a very shy person so you don't. after the teacher tells your classmates to sit down you get a look at what was so exciting about that desk and then you see a new student a girl with so much color you think your abut to puke. She literally has rainbow hair and her clothes are so colorful that it's almost blinding you wonder why all your classmates crowded around her like she was a celebrity. You almost spend the rest of class looking at her she's so colorful it's distracting but you manage to get some work done. You exit the classroom with the girl still in your mind.

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