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The months had flown by, and soon id be sixteen and paired up with a wolf from the local wolf pack it was a village custom a deal which had been going on for generations that each village would offer up three girls of the age of 16 to be mated to a the wolves in return the wolves would protect the village . Although i was fully prepared for my turn in this custom some doubt still clouded my mind , mostly the doubt was to do with my happiness , would i bond with this guy? ive always wanted to fall inlove but having no control over who i would marry was leaving a bitter taste in my mouth, and the fact I only had a few days left with my family was upsetting. I walked through the woods gathering herbs for my mother thinking about my impending doom a tear rolled down my face, was I ready to head off and live with total strangers?Ii didnt think so but nothing I could or would say would change my destiny.

I was only gone a few minutes when I heard my father calling me to return urgency was in his voice , I wondered what could be so important as I rushed back to our little cottage, that's when I saw him my mouth dropped open never had I seen anyone so beautiful in my entire life  as i neared it dawned on me he wasn't from our village realisation set in he was a wolf . I gulped knowing he must be here to see if he wants me , not that it would make any difference the elders always paired us. He smiles looking me up and down giving me butterflies in my stomach I smiles back blushing as his eyes drifted down my body, Finely finding my words.

"Hello my name is beth". he smiled and nodded

"I am Bastian".

I"ts nice to meet you Bastian" I smiled back shyly

"As it is you young beth" I looked at my father who seemed pleased we were getting along or maybe it was because i wasn't running for the hills well at least not yet . Nodding my father left us alone I guess he wanted us to get to know each other , which was a good idea if I was to be bonded to this guy for life.

Over the next few hours we walked and talked it was pleasent not once did i feel the conversation was forced. He asked me questions everything from my favorite colour to my favorite song , I could feel my self relax more with him , That was until we arrived at Sarah's house she was screaming at her father , we both knew why but I felt I had to confirm it.

"Sarah is another chosen girl, she isn't happy about it, her father only told her yesterday" Bastian nodded. 

"you seem calm very calm and more in control than Miss Sarah" I nodded

"I have had more time to prepare Ive always known my destiny" Bastian took a minute to absorb this.

"Are you happy about it?" I took a minute before answering.

"I wasn't but the idea is growing on me " He smiled at me and I could feel my self sway , we were soon heading back , Bastian looked why way asking if I too had any questions .

"there is one its about the blood rites, what is it? and will it hurt?" he stopped in his tracks trying to figure out a way to explain with out scaring me.

"Beth the Blood Rites involves a bite to the neck its a warning to other wolves that your bonded" with out warning he swug me around  wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me against him, I could already feel his growing bulge through his combats moving my hair to one side he trailed kisses down my neck and shoulder he began Licking and sucking I couldn't help the moan which escaped my lips , My breathing was now irratic he smiled.

"This is were your mark will be " he murmered against my neck sending a delicious thrill through me  before stepping away, I frowned and pouted call it a desperate attempt to feel his lips on me once again , Bastian chuckled 

"soon Beth" He took my hand which surprised us both it had only been a few hours but the connection was strong and it felt so right like we were made for each other or that my soul had found its home , he lead me back to my house and soon it was time for him to leave but my heart already was aching to be with him it took all my strengh not to take off down the road after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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