Punishment 1 - Crash

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Jackson with flipping through the
channels. Looking for the news channel after he found the channel he was looking for, the first thing was said what's that there was a hit and run. "Henry Swan was found dead this morning in the hospital". As the newswomen continued talking about the tragedy, Jackson stayed frozen with a traumatizing look in his eyes. Jackson quickly tries to find the remote, soon after he found it he could be turned off the TV. Jackson unsteady breathing, but for soon he started to calm himself down. He slowly goes off the couch and made his way to the front door for a night drive.

He walked over to his car, gliding his fingers are crossed dent in his front of the car. He made his way to the Driver door.


He turns his head quickly thought he heard something call his name, but he could see no one in sight. He sat down in the driver seat, pretending like nothing happened those few seconds ago. He put his keys into the ignition and pressed his foot down on to the pedal and started headed down the road.

Jackson made it to the end of the street. He noticed a bright light in the distance. At first, he thought it was a car, but then he saw there was only one light show, so admitted it was a motorcycle.

But as he got closer the light wouldn't move and a human-like a shadow figure started to surround the bright light, like if I was part of it.

Jackson vision started to go funny and soon after he blacked out for a few seconds. He started to regain consciousness, but as started wake up, he hit something. He quickly came to stop and got out of the car to see what he hit.

But as he got to the back of the car he froze in horror. It wasn't an animal that he ran over, I was the kid he ran over two days ago, Henry Swan the one who just died in the hospital. Jackson quickly ran over to "Henry" trying to wake him up.

Jackson then started to hear mumbling from him. "What is it?" Mmmm... "What?" MMMMmm... " Please tell what you say?" Look... Behind... You... Said "Henry said in a demonic tone. Jackson quickly spun around to see that his car has completely turned around and now facing him. Jackson looked down to ask him what's going on to see that Henry completely disappeared. Before he could turn back to the car. The car violently slams into him and crushed him against a tree.

A tree branch quickly impaled him. The sound of gurgling blood could be heard. The person who was in the driver seat slowly got out of the car and walk over to him in like a floating matter.

The black figured giggled at the sight of him slowly dying. Tears running down Jackson face almost staining his cheeks. "W-Why..?" Those were the only words that he could make out. "Because you kill someone" B-But I didn't m-mean too... " Then why didn't you look back when you first did it," The black figured said with its demonic feminine tone similar to Henry's, but before Jackson could respond he died.

The black figured watched Jackson breathe his last breath. She smiled in delight and slowly walked away in darkness, proud of her work.

At home, Ms. Swan stands there in the middle of the living room. Once again the black figure return appearing behind Ms. Swan and sitting on her couch. " Did you find who it was?" Of course, I did I just finished him off a few minutes " who was the man who killed my son?" Jackson Johnson. " I don't know how much to thank you, Ms. Karma..." No problem, but call me Amélie...........

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