Finishing What They Started... - ON HOLD

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Going to use POVs here, not sure about the rest of the story.

Oh, and for OOC talk it'll be in bold, enjoy the story!

Violet's POV - District 6

It's your first year, you wont get picked!

My older brother, Greg's, words echoed trough my head like a wasp. He had just turned ninteen, making him illegible for The Hunger Games.

His name was reaped, on his fourteenth birthday, actually. But his best friend, David, voulenteered for him, keeping the promise they had both made to eachother. Unfortunatly, his friend never made it home.

It was so tough for Greg, he didn't speak for days. Spending most of the day in the forest, and not saying a word when he got home. He eventually moved on, but he still gets emotional sometimes.

"Violet!" A vioce shouted from down the stairs, "You know what happens if we're late for the reaping! Get down here!"

"Okay!" I shouted back, and took one last look at myself in the mirrior.

I had blonde hair that fell down to my mid-back and dark blue eyes, that looked almost violet in the sun.

Hense the name.

I was wearing a white dress with a frilly green ribbon around the waist.

Reaping clothes.

I heard Greg shout again and I ran down the stairs. He was sitting at the kitchen counter, scarving down the remains of a slice of bread.

"Let's go!" He said, with a still-full mouth, splattering food onto the counter.

"Greg!" Shouted my mother from the hall,balencing my younger sister on her hip, "I just cleaned!" She sighed. "You two are late for the reaping anyway! Why are you still here? Go!" 

I let out a gasp and darted out the front door. Running straight to the town centre, where the reaping was held. I made my way through the crowd and into the twelve-year olds section.

Vidia Drakes, a freakish looking, blue-skinned Capitol woman with frizzy bright red hair, stood on the stage reciting the Capitol history that I had heard years and years before. I had zoned out when the boy next to me started staring.

"Violet Veer! Come up here!" Vidia Drakes called from the stage. "Don't be shy!"

I heard yelling and shouting as I made my way to the front. I recognized the voice as Greg's.

"I voulenteer! I voulenteer as tribute!" He was shouting.

"Oh no!" Vidia said with a laugh, "Adults cannot voulenteer! But that would make an amazing Hunger Games! What do you guys think?" She asked, waiting for an applaud that would never come.

I had finally made my way to the stage.

"How old are you sweety?" Vidia asked.

"Twelve," I muttered.

"Violet Veer, twelve years old!" Vidia shouted into the microphone. "And now for the boys!" She reached into the bowl and pulled out a card, "Micheal Black!" She shouted.

The boy that was standing next to me's eyes suddenly widened. He must have been Micheal. Unfortunatly, no one voulenteered.

"How old are you?" Vidia asked again. He responded with a simple 'twelve' but from the face Vidia had, it looked like he had just handed her a thousand dollars. "Twelve-years old, everybody!" She shouted again. "Here are our two tributes from District 6! Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

Except, today, the odds were most defenatly not in my favor.

First chapter=Done! :)

Sorry for all the typos! I wasn't in the mood to fix them. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I really loved writing it. Hopfully the next chapter will be up by tomorrow night/Tuesday morning.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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