Chapter 1:

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"Ok, let's do this!"  I took a deep breath and grabbed my laptop from the side of the bed.  I turned it on and waited for the window to set up.  

Wow, I don't feel nervous  at all!  Maybe this will actually be easy!  

When it's done setting up, I dragged my cursor onto the chrome icon and double clicked.  I got on Feelbook and went to the chat bar.  I looked for the name Danial Julio.  I found the name and clicked on it.  The chat box popped up.  In the box was our last conversation about our last history project that we did together.  When I saw the chat box, my heart started pounding against my chest so hard that it's hard to breath.

Can I really do this?

I took a deep breath again and typed,

"Hey, I know that you already have a girlfriend but I just wanted to tell you that I've liked you for a long time."  

Typing it wasn't the hard part.  The hard part was sending it.  I stared at the "send" button for what seems like hours.  Then I held my breath and pressed send.  The second I pressed it, I quickly exited out of feelbook  and threw myself on my bed and squealed.

>_< I actually sent it!!!!!

When I calmed myself down a bit, I reopened Feelbook again.  I click on the chat bar that has his name on it.  There were no reply.  I checked under my message and it said "seen...."   A few seconds later he replied,

"Sorry, I already have a girlfriend."

-_- Ummmm didn't I already include that into my speech?

I was a little irritated because I felt like he didn't read my whole entire message.  It took me a while to calm myself down and replied,

"Yeah I know"



"I just wanted to let you know"




Ok?  Is that it?  How did I even like this guy?

I exited out of Feelbook and sat there, feeling a little irritated but atleast I got it over with.  


"Let's just go to sleep" I told myself and shut my laptop down.



The sharp sound of my ring tone pierced my ears as I slept peacefully in my bed.  I forced my eyes to open to look at the clock.  It was 5 am.


I lazily reached for my phone and swiped the screen to answer without looking at the number.  There's only one person who would call me at 5 am in the morning.  


"Hey let's go play badminton!!!"  I rolled my eyes at the stupid request.

"Ace, how can you do this to me everyday?  Don't you know what time it is?"

"It's time for some badminton" he replied as as if it was the most obvious fact in the world

"Nooo, it's time for me to sleep!"  

"But I-"  I hung up on him before he could finish his sentence.

Who in the world plays badminton at 5 am in the morning?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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