Doin' Fine (Aaron Goodwin short story)

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A/N: I want to thank the ones hoping my mom's health improves and it has more than the dr's said. I know I haven't been writing much and I'm sorry about that. Having a full-time job limits me on writing. So I'm still trying to get my writing mojo back and I will be updating stories when I get the chance :)

With a sigh, Stephanie was jerked out of her thoughts when the bus came to a complete stop at Lane Middle school. Grabbing her bag she trudged down the bus stairs and into the school yard getting lost in her thoughts again about what went on during spring break.

Spring Break of 1989 in Portland, OR

First day of spring break wasn't bad, she had spent time with her parents. It was after that first day that her life turned around. Her dad had to go on an emergency business trip and she begged him not to go.

"Daddy, why can't someone else go in your place?"

"Sweetie, I wish I could but you know I run that section." Her father said giving his daughter a tight hug, kissing her forehead. "I'll only be gone for three days. And you know what?"

"What?" Stephanie mumbled trying to fight the tears back.

"How'a 'bout when I get back we can go to your favorite ice cream place and gorge on ice cream." He said with a grin.

"'ll ruin both your dinner's then."

"It's not going to hurt anything." Jerry said to his wife. "I mean, she's becoming a woman so she's adjusting to hormone changes."

"Daaaaad!...." Stephanie said looking at him with a mix of embarrassment and happiness.

"Whaat?" He asked with a chuckle. "So what do you say, ice cream when I get back in town?"

"Yeah." She smiled up at him.

"Alright." Jerry said, giving his daughter another kiss on the forehead before letting her go and kissing his wife bye. "I'll be back in a few days. You two be safe and if you need me, call."

"Alright, be safe Jerry."

"Bye daddy."

With one final hug and wave Stephanie's father left for the airport. Once the front door was shut, Natalie turned to her daughter with a smile.

"Now that he's gone, what about some girl time?"

Stephanie inwardly sighed, usually 'girl time' consisted of her mother asking if she had a crush on anybody and doing things that Stephanie liked when she was seven.

"We're not going to pretend that we're in a magical forest and we turn into ponies that fight off the aliens that try to take over the world are we?"

Her mother chuckled remembering when Stephanie was seven and pretended to save the world as a pony. "No, I figured you would want to do something more in your age range. Maybe help with making cookies?"

"What kind?"

"Chocolate chip with M&Ms."

Stephanie's eyes lit up when her mother said that. "Ok."

With a laugh from her mother they went into the kitchen and began making cookies....well trying to make cookies since they both started eating the cookie dough.

"How's Aaron doing? Haven't heard you talk much about him anymore. Does he still live here?"

"Yes, he still lives in town. We don't have many classes together. The only time we actually hang out with each other is before school, lunch and after school. And say a quick hi while going to our next class."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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