Chapter 15: The Tower

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto Or Percy Jackson and Danmachi
"Naruto" Normal Speeches
'Naruto' Thought
"Katon" Jutsu/Technique/Demon Talking

Story Start

As they make their way to the tower. Naruto suddenly Sense a wave of Chakra headed their way

"SCATTER" Naruto Yelled as they all leaped away when a supersonic blasts of air passed them and completely destroying the Tree behind them

Came out of the woods is The Sound genin. The One Who attacked them grinning At them as he gather his chakra in his arm

"Well, Well, Well, What do we have here, a bunch of konoha weak genins" One of them sneered while gazing at the female Lust-Fully

"Looks like you been through hell. Well let make that true huh" One of them sneered and Pointed his porous metal gauntlet that is located on his right arm at them "Kyōmeisen(Vibrating Sound Drill)" He generating enough sound and unleashed in waves at them

Naruto, Had more sharper eyes except Satsuki saw the Attack. He Flashed through hand-sign "Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Style Mud Wall)" He Create creates a solid wall of earth as a form of defence.

His eyes widened when the mud wall Crack and fall off. The sound waves Hit him

Naruto fall to his knees when he suddenly feel nauseous. he puke his breakfast out.

He stared at the smug Sound Nin and Snarled "What Have you done to me"

the One Looked like a Mummy chuckled Darkly "Like it Blondie............that is my ""Kyōmeisen(Vibrating Sound Drill)", Once the sound waves hit you. They will keep vibrating you body until they break. everything, Bones, Muscle tissue, Flesh, i'm Impressed you could still stand after Taking That Hit, if it was anyone else, they would break as soon as the waves hit them"

"Well Not Anymore, I'm healing your body kit so don't worry" Kurama Said as he finished take his nap

'Thanks Kurama' He mentally thanks the nine tailed fox who grinned back at him as he stood up

"And now You dead" He said Coldly as he Flashed through handsign "Raiton: Kuropansa(Lightning Style Black Panther)" After generating black lightning from his body which takes the form of a panther, The panther rushed toward the sound nin

"KIN" The Bandage genin Said to their only Female team member who nodded

She make a hand-Sign "Fūton:Hanachiri Mai(Wind Style Flower Scattering Dance)" She summon a cyclone of petals that Rushed at the Panther and hit it. Easily dissipate the panther

Naruto wasted no time and nodded at Satsuki who nodded back. He rushed to the Sound Genin as she Flashed through hand-Sign " Katon: Karyū Endan(Fire Style Dragon Flame Bomb)"
She kneads Her chakra into flames, which are then manipulated into a genuine-looking dragon.

The dragon rushed foward and Followed behind naruto.

The Sound genin eyes widened when they saw naruto rushed toward them with a fire dragon behind them

Naruto leaped foward and Grabbed the mummy one by the wrist. The mummy lone eye widened when he couldn't move. he tried to get out of his grasp but naruto tightened his hold on him

The flames hit them and The Mummy guy screamed in pain as the flames melt his skin.

"DOSU" Two of the sound Genin Yelled and could only watched in horror as the flame died down. revealing a scorching corpse of Dosu who fell down with a thud

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