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Fire was everywhere. Building came crushing down. You see a billboard of All Might, ripped to shreds and burned down. People screaming and running away as a teenage boy, who had patches of skin stitch over his body and wore a long dark blue coat that extends down to his knees. He smirks and raised his hand which dark fire appears and covers his whole arm and shots it a the crowd. A girl falls down and looks back with horror as the dark fire closes. A woman, who was running with the crowd, stops and turn towards the girl.

"MYRA!!!" The woman yelled as the fire crashes down and explodes. The teenage boy smirks and stares at the fire.

"He! That was easy. One down, hundreds to go. Now!" He turns to the crowd and the crying woman.

"Who's next-" The villain eyes widened as the dark fire, twirls around and headed towards one direction.


The fire disappears and and two boys appeared.

One of the boys was holding the girl closed to him. He has round green eyes and messy dark green, and wore a dark green full-body unitard with red boots which had iron soles on them, and had knee and elbow pads. The other boy was a lean, muscular young man, and has spiky pink-colored hair. He wore a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, exposing his bare chest and abs. He also had a scale like scarf warped around his neck.

The villain smirks at the sight of the two boys.

"Well... well... well! If it isn't the Midoriya brothers, Deku and the Salamander!" He said, smirking.

"Dabi..." Salamander said coldly while Deku gave the crying child to her mother.

"Thank! Thank! So much!" The mother cried as she hold her daughter close to her.

"No problem ma'am." Deku smiled. "Now please get to safety. Well handle the villain." The woman nodded and ran towards the crowd. Deku turn to face Dabi, who was smirking.

"You really think you can defeat me?! Ha! Don't make me laugh!" Dabi lit up his arm with dark fire.

Salamander growled while Deku charges up. His body is cover up with green lighting. Red glowing veins spread across all over his body and his skin glowed yellow/orange. Salamander bumped his fists together which a magic circle appeared in front of them, with dragon like face.

"Let's do this Natsu!" Deku yelled. Natsu smirked and nodded.

"We're all fired up now." The heroes got into battle stances. Dabi smirks as well.

"Come and get me!" Dabi pulled out his hand and dark fire shot out of it. Deku and Natsu charged in.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!" Fire shot out of Natsu's month and collided with Dabi's blue flames. Dabi looked bored while Natsu struggled to keep up his attack.

"Is that all you got? Salamander!" Dabi taunted. Suddenly Deku appeared in front of Dabi. He pulled back his arm to make fist and charged up his attack.

"DETROIT SMASH!!!" Dabi was too shock to react and Deku punch him in the gut causing him fall back and throw up. He collided against buildings at a high speed the went through walls of solid concrete.

Deku lands and turns towards the scene. The smoke began to clear out revealing Dabi lying on rubble, bleeding.

"One down-"

"Five more to go..." Natsu finish off the sentence. Deku smiles.

"Come on Izuku! These villains are no match for us!" Natsu smiled. Deku nodded.

"I'm right behind you!" Natsu warped his arm around Deku.

"Then what are we wanting for? Let's save the city and put in end to Shigaraki and League Of Villains!"


I hope you guys enjoy the preview! It's not much but the book will be much better! If I continue the preview, I would probably spoil the new book I working on!

Oh! And don't worry about Goodbye Deku! I will continue that story as well!

GoldenGrimlock Signing Out!

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