- 1 / club -

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As usual, I was scrolling on my tumblr's dashboard, reblogging a post every once in a while. Even though the room was completely dark -except for my laptop's light-, the room was a complete mess. From the endless amount of empty soda cans and bags of chips, to the papers scattered randomly around the room. But considering how much of an organized person I am, it never really stays like that for a long time, it's only a matter of hours until I get up and realize the mess I made and quickly start cleaning my room.

I heard two knocks on my door before my two friends, Luke and Calum, got in the room, switching the lights on.

"C'mon Mike get dressed, we're going out" Calum clapped loudly while talking, as if he was waking his teenage son up.

"Huh? Where?"

I lived with my two best friends in an apartment near our families so we could visit them on the weekends. We suggested living together last year, thinking it'll bring us closer together as a 'band' even thought we still needed a drummer to actually be completed.

"Out!" Luke told me excitedly.

"Fine, just a minute. I'll just get to the end of this page and then I'm off." I told them with a blank face, still scrolling down the page.

"Michael we're not stupid, we know what does 'I'll just get to the end of this page' means." Calum rolled his eyes and started looking for clothes in my wardrobe.

I groans, "but I'm just fine sitting here" I whined dragging the e. I waited until Calum was looking at me and pouted.

"You've been sitting here ever since our vacation started, Mikey." Calum sighed.

"C'mon man, we need to have fun before we go to college." Luke reminded me.

I sighed and got up, shutting my laptop's screen, "fine, get out so I can change."

Luke placed his hand on my shoulder, "try to look as hot as you can, we're getting chicks tonight." He grinned at me and walked out of the room.


We were finally standing in front of the club after endless amount of 'hurry the fuck up, Hemmings. We don't have all night!' and 'Michael trust me, it's going to be fun!'s.

"I can already smell the vodka and hear the music!" Calum said in awe, which to me, sounded like a lame 12 year old virgin boy.

We were currently standing in line, waiting for their turn to get in, "Calum dear, what you're smelling right now is sweat, not vodka." I told him in a disgusted voice.

"Lighten up, Clifford." Luke smacked the back of my head.

"Next," the very muscular guy standing in front of the entrance to the club yelled. I thought he looked very bored and wondered if I had the same look on my face. All I wanted was to go back to my very comfortable position in front of my laptop, but unfortunately, my annoying mates here had other plans that didn't exactly include me liking it.

Calum handed the security guard their three IDs grinning, the muscular guy -as I figured I might as well just give him a nickname- looked suspiciously at us, probably because of how young we looked. He finally handed the IDs back to Calum, hesitantly letting us go in, "next."

After we got in, everyone went in different directions. Luke immediately went to the dance floor, Calum headed to a crowd of girls near the bar and I just ended up going to the bar to get myself a drink.

I spotted an empty stool and started heading to it, I heard someone cough next to me just as I sat down, I quickly stood up again and spun around to the stool next to the empty one where a guy sat chuckling at my terrified face.

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