💟You've really got Ahold of me💟

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(I changed this up and deleted the recent chapters. For those of you that have read the other ones this will be new. Oh and Dally and Johnny are still alive. Johnny barely survived his condition and it was a miracle that he could walk. Dally barely lived after he got shot and he's perfectly fine now.)

No ones pov~
It was 1986, a girl named (Y/n) lived with her brother Two-bit, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This was the time when Soc's and Greasers didn't get along.

You're POV~
I just moved in with my brother Two-bit a couple days ago and I actually started to love this place already. It was Saturday and there was absolutely nothing to do. It was around 9 am and I walked downstairs with messy hair. I went into the kitchen and started to make some pancakes. After I mixed everything in, I poured the mix into the pan as it slowly cooked. After I was done I put two plates on the table and got syrup, butter, and some other stuff. "Two-bit," I yelled but not to loud. He came running in seeing the food. "Since when do you cook," he asked laughing. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

After eating I changed into a white shirt with a black line at the bottom of each short sleeve. I put on some dark denim jeans and red high top converse. I curled my hair and put a red bandana tied at the top, on my hair. I had foundation and some mascara on. "(Y/n)," Two-bit called from downstairs. I quickly sprayed light perfume on and walked downstairs. "Why are you dressed up," he asked. "I don't know, I was just bored and this is not dressed up." He shrugged and said, "Do you wanna come with me to my friends house?" "Sure, better than nothing." We walked out of the house and since two-bit said we lived close, we should walk. After walking and kicking rocks we made it to the so called 'Curtis House'. Two-bit slammed the door open with me behind him. He yelled and I smiled letting a little laugh out. "We're right here for crying out loud Two-bit," someone yelled back. "Guys I'd like you all to meet someone!" Everyone turned their attention to him. "This is my kid sister, (Y/n). She just moved here and she's living with me now," he smiled hugging me and ruffling my hair. "Two-bit," I whined smiling. He let go and a tall guy around 5'8 maybe. He had brown slicked back hair, and blueish eyes. "Darry Curtis," he said smiling and putting his hand out for me. I smiled and shook it. A guy not as tall as Darry came up to me. He had brown eyes with blackish slicked back hair. He hugged me and spun me around. I laughed and he let go saying, "Welcome to the gang kiddo! I'm Steve." I smiled back at until something caught my eye. A boy with blondish hair and was almost the same height as Steve. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and he came into the room saying, "Who took my clothes?" I felt my face immediately turn red and Steve covered my eyes. "Wha-..Oh shit! Sorry!" I heard footsteps run and disappear. "Sorry about that (Y/n), that boy don't ever use his head," I heard Darry say. Steve uncovered my eyes and a boy the same height but a little taller came up next. He had brown slicked back with a little hair in the front. He had ice blue eyes and was really not bad looking. "Hi I'm Sodapop Curtis," He said smiling. Oh that smile. He hugged me then let go and I smiled at him. A guy with brown hair came and was about the same height as Sodapop. He had brown eyes with a cold stare. I felt shivers down my spine. "I'm Dally," he said holding his hand out. I nodded and shook it smiling. He winked and walked off. A boy with kind of dark skin, dark slicked back hair, and dark brown eyes. He seemed so innocent. "..hi I'm Johnny Cade," he said smiling. "Hi," I waved. I smiled and I seen the boy from earlier come back with clothes on this time. Instead of his hair looking shaggy he had slicked a little to the side. He came up to me and he was a little taller than Johnny and his greenish grey eyes. Oh they were so beautiful, I could stare at them forever. Someone snapped their fingers in my face and t was the boy. "Sorry," I said nervously. "It's alright. I'm Ponyboy Curtis, and I'm sorry about earlier," he said smiling. "..o-oh that's a-alright," I said blushing. "Psh she enjoyed seeing you like that, look at her face," yelled Steve. I blushed more and hid my face. I heard Ponyboy chuckle then felt him lift my head up. "Don't be embarrassed, there's worse, so you outta get used to it," he said. I nodded and nervously smiled.

After we all got introduced we sat in the living room watching Mickey Mouse. I sat between Ponyboy and Johnny until Dally slammed the door open. "Pony! Johnny! You guys wanna go to the movies? I got Bucks car again," he yelled. "Yeah," Ponyboy yelled. "Hey (Y/n) you wanna go with us," he asked me. "Yeah! I love going to watch movies," I said getting up with them. "(Y/n)! Where you goin," I heard Two-bit ask. "I'm going with Dally, Ponyboy, and Johnny to the Movies," I replied back to him. "Okay, be careful. I'll be there later." We left and got into Dally or Bucks car. I sat in the back with Ponyboy while Johnny sat up front with Dally. Dally drove off and was going way over the speed limit and swerving like crazy. "Dally," I yelled and held onto Ponyboy as if my life depended on it. "Oh um you might want to get use to this too," Ponyboy whispered in my ear. I didn't move and had my head buried into Ponyboy. He put his arm over me and lifted my head up saying, "Here how about we distract you?" I nodded and looked into his eyes. They were so pretty. "You have such beautiful eyes Pony," I said. "You as well Doll," he said mumbling the last part and staring into my eyes. He leaned in closer and I didn't pay attention to anything else except him. The wind started to blow my hair into my face and he moved it. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled at me. Before anything else could happen the car came to an immediate stop and I flew away from him. I hit my head on the seat and started to laugh. "What the hell Dally! Are you okay (Y/n)," Pony asked me. I got up on the seat and nodded. "What? We're here," he said shrugging. The movie started as we watched from the back of the car.

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