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"Hi i am Anemone whats your name?" Asked Anemone
"Ah-oh hello my name is Dingo nice to meet you Anemone." Dingo said with a friendly voice "You scales are so pretty what tribe are you from?" Anemone asked
"Ummmm-"she started SHIT WHAT DO I TELL HER TO I DO I AM A HYBRID!! "oh I am a Snadwing."answered Dingo shyly Anemone gave her an encouraging     smile to keep going "And I am a Skywing and Nightwing.." she whispered hoping Anemone  didn't hear her but she did and she knew it. Cute name she looks scared but kind at the same time i hope she ok "DINGO!!!DINGO DINGO WERE ARE YOU!!" Yelled an unfamiliar voice that came down the hall "I am here what do you want redbell!" Answered Dingo right away than a dragon was there "There you are why did you run away from the Queen!" Yelled Redbell that the top of his lungs "Redbell i ran away because of you you won't leave me alone if you could maybe i woild stay and the Queen is your friend that hates me so there!" Dingo looked like she was about to cry and ran out than Anemone haered a bang

Dingo PV

What the fuck oh no did i just run that little Rainwing shit I did
"Oh I am so sorry i didn't see you there are you ok here!" I gave the little one of my talons to help her up then I realised that she is blind I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up "Thank-you so much my na-." She started to say before Dingo started to talk "No problem Tamarin nice to meet you my name is Dingo!" How did she know what my name is unless no it can't be there can't be a mind reader in what years and years right. Yelled Tamarins brain "Shit i need to go nice meeting you Tamarin and ps you told me your name again sorry bye!" Iyelled gave her i samll hug and left to show the blind Rianwing I was sorry

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