Chapter 2

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*Jade's POV*

The bell rings marking the end of my classes. I start running for getting out of the school as fast as I can, but it's too late. He and his friends are already waiting out when I reach the door.

When I see them I start running back to the the school, searching for my escape. But then, I hear someone running behind me. I gasp in horror when he throws me to the ground for the second time today.

"You thought there was an escape? Well, I'm sorry for you little, stupid girl, but there isn't. No now, no ever." I stay rooted in my place, in shock. He starts to push me towards his friends.When I see them the tears start streaming down my face, I promised my self that I wouldn't cry, but it's a promise which I knew it would be difficult to keep.

One of them takes a step and punches me in my stomach, then in my jaw, I stumble backwards in pain. Another fist hits me, that's when I fall to the floor. My eyelids start feeling heavy, and my whole body hurts. That is all that I remember before passing out.


I was woken up by the beeping of the machines and a terrible headache, which is extremely painful. When I look at my surroundings, I'm in a white room with a white bed and a wood desk, a flower pot on the desk. A bunch of machines are connected to me.

"Jade! Jade! You're awake, thanks God! I thought you were never going to. Are you okay? How do you feel? Do you remember anything?" My mum asks me, even if she knows I can't answer. "I'm going to call a doctor" She says while exiting the room. Meanwhile I try to think what happened, nothing comes out though.

Suddenly someone knocks the door, whom I suppose is the the doctor. "Hello ms. Greene, how are you feeling? I'm the Dr. Johnson. I'll be with you until you are sent home." He presents himself. "If you feel dizzy, your head hurts or any part of your body, don't be scared because it is totally normal. You've been unconscious for two days. " He explains, and it's all true. I feel weak, very weak. I kept trying to remember anything of what of happened, but nothing seems clear in mind. " Ms. Summer I'm going to call a nurse to clean your cuts. You have a small fracture in your rib, a sprained ankle and, bruises and cuts all over your body; so please move as less as possible." He tells me while getting out of the room.

After five minutes, a nurse enters. "Sorry ms.Greene, I don't mean to interrupt you, but I have to change your tissues." I immediately like her. I would tell her to call me Jade, but I don't feel strong enough for talking. She looks like in her late 30s. She has brown hair that reaches her shoulders, and beautiful hazel eyes. Dark bags showed up under her eyes due to her lack of sleep. She looked very friendly, I immediately like her. "Done." I snap back out of my thoughts. "You should take this painkillers, they'll help to ease the pain." She hands me the two pills and a glass of water. I take the pills in total silence.

"Thank you." I try to say at a normal tone of voice, but it comes out in a tone just above a whisper.

"It's nothing, dear. Now you should be tired and the pills will not help it, so i'm going to go and let you sleep. If anything happens, just press this button here," She says while showing me the button. "and I will come. I'll return in two hours or so with something for you to eat. Sleep well, love" She gives me an sympathetic smile and goes.

This medicines are really making effect, they make me sleepy and reduce the pain.

I always thought sleeping was a waste of time. You spend 24 years of your whole life sleeping, 24 years in which you could watch a movie, paint, read... You could do whatever you want, the point is doing something. But today, I couldn't help it. When my eyelids started feeling heavy, and my body was begging me for some sleep, I couldn't do anything but sleep.



I've already been doing rehabilitation for five days now. My ribs healed two days ago, but my left arm still has a cast. I have to carry a crunch (I can't carry two because of my left arm) for a sprain in my right foot. I have nightmares, nightmares from which I wake up crying and screaming.

The doctors say that in a week as much I'll be in my home and that five days later I could incorporate to the high school again. That's the part I fear the most, seeing him and his friends again. Because, even though I can't remember anything, I have flashes of that day in my dreams (or may I say nightmares), or even in my day mares.

The days here are boring: I have nothing to do, no one has visited me excepting my mother. I want all this to end, all.



Today is the day, the day I never wanted to come. Today is my day for incorporating to the high school. In there I have only a few friends, it have never been easy for me to do friends. Yes, I have a best friend, but even he calls me names every now and then. He's not what you can call the best of the friends.

My walk to school is the time I enjoy the most, is the only time in the day that I can relax, listen to my music, and think in anything that passes through my mind. My walk lasts about fifteen minutes, but I can only use ten minutes because then I have to put away my cell phone. It wouldn't be the first time my cell phone ends broken or in other hands which are not mine. I get out of my house and then, plug my earphones to my phone. Everything I didn't said by 5sos sounds through my headphones.

When I walk through the doors, I see him. I walk fast to my locker.

"Hello Jade." Is him.


*Unknown's POV*


I call to Mrs. Greene seconds after she leaves the room. She answers the phone at the third ring.

"Hello?" She asks through the line.

"Hello, Mrs. Greene"

"Oh hello, Mrs. Patterson. May I ask why'd you call me?"

"Your daughter is not progressing in our sessions. I don't know what more I can do. She doesn't speak to me, not even for saying hello!" I raise my voice. I'm so frustraited about this --I've been wasting time on her daughter--, but the strange thing is I'm the only one. Normally the patient's parents are who yell at me, not otherwise. I don't exactly like the child, but it's a little sad that her mother doesn't care for her.

"Well, then we'll quit the sessions." She speaks like is the most normal thing to have a depressed daughter.

"I was only informing her that our session are useless. She doesn't open up, this is going nowhere." I explain her, now more relaxed.

"She'll never open up." She stays silent, like if she was thinking what to do now. "Tuesday's session will be the last, you'll explain her that, I'm not going to talk to her of that subject. I'll try to go with her on our next session. Goodbye, Mrs. Patterson."

"Goodbye." After our little conversation, she hangs up.


A/N: Second chapter!!!! Tell me what you think about the story. Feel free to give me your opinion in the comments.

1) I dedicate this chapter to anisa_xo because, she's helped me a lot and, well she's amazing and she's always there for me. So girl, never change.

2) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR LOVELY COMMENTS!! I couldn't stop grinning while reading them.

- Lidia x.

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