The boy with the pink bow bxb

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Hewdo I'm a Neko with a pink bow why a pink bow u ask when I'm a boy named Alex well let's think story time to know about my past... well some of it

The flashback.

beep beep beep Bam thinks oh alarm clock is broken gets shower gets dressed walks downstairs with phone mom crying me sighing she says ALEXXXXXXXXXXXXX !!!!!!!!! I look at her she says god still no words uhh I got bad news Alex

me types on the phone what is it?  Yes I'm mute but can speak a little but choose not to my mom doesn't ever speak to me that's why I'm surprised she did now she says they found your sister I jump with joy and say what's the bad news on my phone she breaks into tears saying they found your sister and well she's dead.

I just stand there shocked and type Don't lie to me what's the bad news she says I'm not lying dear they found her its been four weeks and they found her dead I drop my phone and actually speak where is she?!

My mom looks shocked that I spoke I haven't spoken since my dad left and that was it she says they found her at the park there down there right now I bolt out the door to the park.

I love my sister dearly  with ought her I'll have the rest of my heart broken I run to the park and go past people that are nosey a cop says son u can't go past I say that's my sister they say wait your the boy that never speaks this is the first time I've heard u speak I break into tears they say okay come in are u sure she's your sister I say yes she has blonde hair black ears I have white hair black ears I hold her and whisper wake up please don't be dead.

Then she moves she's badly injured I say she's alive jumping with joy they rush her to the hospital leaving me in the park to cry my mom lied she's not dead I run to the hospital a couple of blocks but the one cop that talked to me saying get in u must love your sister huh?

I nod a yes and get out of the car rush in the hospital and look for her she sees me and smiles and hugs me saying I'll be alright I smile what feels like forever she says here take my pink bow I say why it's your favorite?

She says just because keep all my bows and where my pink one next thing I know she she dies right there holding onto the bow and holding my hand I kiss her forehead take in her look ill remember it all my life no more happy green eyes and walk all the way home in the rain.

end of flashback sigh today's the day I go to my sister funeral I go to hit my alarm click then remember its still broken dammit I'll have to fix that I get a shower dry my ears and tail put on a black tux and my sister's bow get in the car with my mom.

we get there she goes right with her friends and friends parents of my sisters and I just stay right here forgot an umbrella stupid weather saying it was gonna be sunny they all have black and umbrellas there whispering  about me I can hear it so what if I'm a fucking cat slash human who cares if I'm a guy and wearing a pink bow.

forget this my mom walks over to my sister in the coffin and cries and walks away they say before we put her in the ground got any words u two would Like to say?

I walk over to my sister look at her lifeless body and take the bow from my hair she would have loved to be barred in this bow it's her favorite I take the Yellow one from her hair and chuck it on the ground.

A lady gasps and I grunt my teeth I say shut up what I'm talking?

Anger took over me I say knock it off all of you yes I can hear you people bickering about me who the hell cares what I look like that yellow bow didn't match anything!

The  fucking pink one matched she loved that bow she wanted me to wear it but I couldn't it's hers I get all her bows and ill wear each one now shut up and be sad it's her fucking Funeral not the bickering and talking about the weird looking boy that said nothing and had a pink bow in his hair I kiss my sisters cheek and whisper I'll miss u and I love u and say sorry about the rain it was there when u died now its here when your getting barried she has a smile on her face putting one of mine.

I walk away and have tears thank god its raining and no one can tell all the lady's have awe in there eyes saying he's so sweet why did we talk that way.

I sigh and walk to our park meaning me and my sisters the one I found her dead I sit on her swing  and cry and cry holding onto the swing for dear life crying the cop iv seen before puts a hand on my shoulder saying I thought you would be here son I say please stop calling me son  he says Well I don't know your name I whimper and shake saying im I'm And I can't help but cry I haven't cried or talked in what feels like forever he pulls me into a hug saying shh shh shh let's take you home.

I say please don't my mother never cared about my sister shes just acting she is ashamed of me and my sister because because we were born nekos my sister looked like my mom but mom thought she was a freak then my dad hated me and made me not be able to speak.

He would beat me because I am a fucking Neko and have white hair when my mom or dad doesn't they they don't like us my dad went to jail cause child abuse and rape and he's getting out soon and and I cry some more realizing I've never told anyone this except this stranger cop that let me see my sister but I feel like I could trust him.

I'm still in his arms he pets my ears and head I wag my tail and calm down he smiles saying its alright would you like to stay at my house till it stops raining?

I say yes please and say my name is Alex he smiles again saying I'm Dave and we he'd to his car he says so I have a son named Dalton so are u gonna start the school now? I say yeah but it will be my first day he says that's okaii my son Dalton goes there I smile that guy has so much joy and his smiles contagious.

My mom calls screaming and Dave said he was a cop that he's getting some things and I'm spending the night that shut her up we stop at my house get a few things Dave says I'm staying till Sunday so today is Friday I'm so not being myself its impossible with ought my sister.

I feel a tear fall from my face when was I crying Dave says we are here he notices that iv cried and wipes my tears away he unbuckles his self and hugs me he gets out of the car and hugs me again grabbing my bag saying come on this will be your second home I smile.

we go inside  its so beautiful nothing like my house I just stand there and stare at a picture must be their family they look so happy I say I I need air yes I'm gonna cry again my life sucks I sit on their stairs on the porch and look at a baby bird fall out of its nest the mom picks it up and helps it fly the baby happily flies away with its mother is it just me or us everything and everyone having a great life and family or is it just me?


I hear my dad talk about a Neko cat he brought home and that he's staying the night till Sunday makes me so excited I've always loved Nekos just never got to see a real one I say I wanna meet him my father says okay he's out on the porch I go to the door I hear crying I walk out close the door lightly and grab his shoulder saying hey you okaii?

He tenses up I say I'm not gonna hurt you I'm Dalton Daves kid next thing I know I'm getting hugged by a crying Neko boy let me say he is f****** hot I hug back saying its okaii he says do you know why I'm here?

I say no why he says my sister died not too long ago she got barred today and my mom doesn't care for me I feel anger fill me why would not  his mom or father like him then I remember my dad told me about him I lift his chin up and wipe his tears away and kiss his cheek what yes I may be gay but doesn't mean I can't show him I care.

he turns bright red I smirk he says stop smirking take me to your room I look at him like what?

He chuckles and says now you need to stop blushing I turn really red he says your dad says I am staying in your room with you I say alright grab his hand grab his bag and drag him upstairs I pull him into my room and sees all my Neko drawings and I think he has joy he hugs me saying I've never thought anyone cared about nekos!

I say well I do now I get to meet one he smiles and hugs tighter I hug back he jumps with joy saying draw one of me please giving me the pouty lip and bringing his ears down and wrapping his tail around his self ohh he knows how to pout I say fine later he smiles and jumps in my arms saying thank you!!!!

having happy tears iv never made someone this happy before I lay him down whispering your welcome he fell asleep in my arms I tuck him in and go to leave but he says please stay I say alright and lay down next to him and before I know it sleep takes over me with me wrapping my arms around him and he's fast asleep and me asleep.

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