The Glass Elevator (Walls)

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-January 5th, 2012-

"I swear, once the world realizes what we as a species are capable of, we will be limitless. Technology will advance faster than ever. In a few years, we wouldn't need to buy giant tv's, we will have chips inside our head that puts the tv's display as what you are seeing! We need to show the world what we can do-"

Again, I am interrupted. I've given this pitch to almost every possible person that would listen. Scientists, government officials, my parents, friends, even leaders of countries. And every time, they stop me and tell me-

"That plan is outrageous! How could we convince the world with a population of billions and growing every day, that we could do better when so many of them are obese, or are too lazy to even get the remote control from across the room? We know as a fact that, no matter what, it can't be done, it just can't!"

Or something like that, I honestly don't remember anymore.

My name's Johnny. I wish I could tell you where I work and other information about me, but I don't know myself. I just know that I lived in Chicago all my life and I travel all around pitching The Idea.

The Idea is that humans as a species are capable of great things. Things beyond our wildest dreams. However, we aren't given the opportunity to get there. That is, not without the support of governments and scientists, as well as a following of people.

Yet, I can't finish my pitch, ever. That is why I need a plan B. However, I have trusted the physical part of The Idea to my second in command, Dr. Korpen. he hasn't told anyone his first name, and we don't want to pronounce his name wrong, it being Swedish, so he is just K. The reason I have left it to K is that I'm busy trying to get support for us, which is extremely difficult, as you could tell.

In an outrage, I march out of the last place I thought I'd be kicked out of, the Lithuanian president's house. It thought he'd want his country to be responsible for the biggest enhancement of mankind, but I guess not. Not only am i leaving the last place I thought I'd be kicked out of, but also the last place I can be. That's right, there are no more people to try to convince, no more governments, nothing.

I decide to go see what K has come up with, because it will be the last hope for human enhancement on this level. I left him back in Chicago weeks ago so it's good that I go back. When K is left alone for too long, the power of being in charge gets to him.

*A few days later*

"DO YOU REALLY THINK I CARE ABOUT HOW MANY HOURS YOU SPENT PITCHING THIS TIME?!" K has been livid since I arrived home a few hours ago. I was telling him how all he does is sit around while I'm out looking for investors. But he never loses his cool like this.

"K, you need to calm down"

"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I sit there, stunned. He then proceeds to grab his coat and start walking towards the door. "I'm going to go make my pitches now." With that, the door slams and he walks out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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