.-Chapter 3-.

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'Breathe just breathe. All you need to do is breathe.' Emery told herself. She was on the floor of the living room unable to move, her body not listening to her brain. 

'Sorry' was the last thing Emery had heard leave her Mother's mouth. It happened long after Emery had felt the pinprick so she didn't associate the two. Emery didn't know what to do. she had collapsed and was now unable to move any of her limbs, her conscience was trapped inside an almost lifeless body. Emery was hoping and praying that her limbs would listen to her so she could at least get upstairs. 

It travelled down her cheek, dropped off her chin onto the carpet. They kept coming and began to soak the floor. The salty smell travelled to Emery's nose reminding her of the ocean. Her face was soon streaked with tears like the night sky was with stars. 

"Why?" Emery whispered still sobbing. "What have you done to me?" she cried but, of course there was no reply only silence. 

Suddenly, Emery felt a familiar tingling sensation return to her fingertips. Gasping with surprise Emery breathed in relief and breathed out anxiety. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" Emery cried happiness pouring out of her pores. Slowly Emery's body began to listen and she could move. As soon as she could walk she went up the stairs to check on her sister. 

"It'll be okay... it'll be okay..." Emery murmured into her sisters ear whilst stroking her hair but it was more to reassure herself. Emery wouldn't admit to anyone but that was the most scared she'd ever felt.



"Emery? What are you doing on my floor?" Brooklyn questioned go a sleepy eyed Emery.

"Huh?" Emery replied whilst the memories of the last night came flooding back to her. "Oh er I must have fallen asleep when I came to check on you."

"Yeah... sure." Brooklyn replied seeing through Emery's lies. "You sure you're okay?" 

"Hmm yeah. Come on we need to get ready for school." 

Emery's head was spinning and she felt detached from reality like she was watching herself almost like an out of body experience. 'You're fine, it'll all be okay, nothing weird will happen and life will go as normal.' Emery thought wanting to just forget the whole thing and distract herself. 

"Everything is going to be okay, everything is going to be okay, everything is going to be okay." Emery whispered to herself, her tone beginning to get harsher every time she said it. 

"Emery?" Brooklyn inquired. Her cautious nature covering the word and dripping off of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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