Getting settled

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Kirstie and Mitch stood nervously in the lobby in the sitting area.

They were told to come down here to meet there new group. Yesterday was there first day where they just got to decorate their room and explore.

Kirstie and Mitch were friends before this. They've been neighbors for years and been in a few therapy groups together. They were super close.

"I'm really nervous Mitch.. I want to be home... not here... it's different " Kirstie whispered

"It's gonna be ok. At least we are here together" Mitch said holding her hand.

Kirstie was OCD and did not do good with germs. She was obsessed over little things, Mitch never understood her thought process but he did want her to get better.  She would repeat things and felt the need to do things over and over. Once they were doing homework together and she kept getting up to turn the light on and off again. He knew it could never be fully be fixed but we wanted it to get better.

Kirstie looked down at there hands clasped together.

Kirstie looked at Mitch's thin bony hand and felt sadness. Mitch was anorexic he never liked eating the most he would normally eat was a granola bar. He was deathly skinny and he worried Kirstie. He would get tired easily and often passed out. Kirstie just wished he saw how handsome and perfect he was. He was her only friend. She didn't want to loose him. Every time Mitch was admitted into a hospital, Kirstie was there. The two of them understood each. Even though they were different they were teased with the same names and it brought them together.

They stood looking around. The lobby had chandeliers and white sofas. Kirstie thought this place was beautiful. Too beautiful to feel like a hospital. Maybe that's what they wanted? To forget your at a hospital...

They stood for three more  minutes till a man with long brown hair and bright green eyes. Kirstie looked at him she saw that he had no arm. Next to him was an African American man in a wheel chair and behind him was a tall blonde man that looked around the same age as Kirstie and Mitch. Next to the Blonde boy was a light skinned man with really short hair.

The long haired man walked up "Hi I'm Avi. I'm one of your counselors!" He smiled

The dark man rolled over to him "And I'm Kevin your other counselor. It's so nice to meet you"

"Hi I'm Mitch." He said smiling shyly

Kevin and Avi shook his hand before them looking at Kirstie.

"I'm K-Kirstie..." she said a little nervous

Avi and Kevin already knew what was up from reading her profile.

"It's ok to be little nervous too but welcome to your new home" Kevin said smiling

Avi looked Kirstie up and down. She was beautiful  but quickly wiped that out of his head. She was a patient and he was a counselor...

"These are the other group members this is Scott" Avi said gesturing to the tall blonde.

Scott waved a little, looking up at them, Kirstie looked like a nice girl and Mitch looked drop dead gorgeous... his eyes lingered on Mitch before looking down at the ground.

"And this is Matt!" Kevin said

"Hi! I'm so glad we have more people!" He said he hugged Mitch and Kirstie.

"Well lets go to our group room and get to know each other a little! We brought some treats to have a little party"

"That sounds fun" Kirstie said smiling a little. Kevin and Avi could see her get visibly more comfortable.

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