Ch. 4

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Chapter 4

I followed a few steps behind James, struggling to keep up with his quick pace. We were heading south of the main campus -- most students didn't venture too far south, as the more popular hangouts were in the opposite direction. In fact, I'd never seen the street we were walking on. It looked like some kind of side road, or back alley, as there weren't any cars or stop lights and only a few people were milling about just as quickly as James.

My calves were beginning to hurt from walking so fast. "Can we, uh, slow down a bit? I have kind of short legs, you know, so it's harder for me --"

"--We're almost there," he cut me off mid-sentence, slowing down only slightly. I managed to match his stride, and now I was walking beside him.

I frowned as he put on a pair of dark Ray-Bans. "Do you have sensitive eyes or something? It's pretty cloudy out."

He glanced at me. "Something like that." I sensed some irritation in his voice. Why was he being so standoffish? He's the one who invited me to come with him. God, guys are so confusing.

James suddenly stopped and turned to open a door on our right, leading us into a small yet crowded Greek restaurant. He motioned towards a table for two in the back corner, and we made our way between the tables and waiters running around until we got to the table. I was actually surprised when James pulled out my chair for me and helped me scoot forward before taking his own seat.

"Sorry about that earlier," he said apologetically, handing me a menu. "I just hate walking through the main streets in the city, and I wanted to get here so we have some time to eat."

I nodded, but noticed he was still wearing the hat and sunglasses. "Do you have somewhere to be?"

"Well, I was supposed to fly out to L.A. last night, but a friend of mine is having the opening for her new art gallery tonight, and I'm supposed to help her out with it soon," he explained. "She's really excited about it. So am I."

"That's awesome," I said, genuinely interested. "What kind of gallery?"

"Mostly paintings. But she's set up these amazing projectors and screens throughout it that are going to play short videos that are sort of like the paintings coming to life..." his voice trailed off, lost in thought. "Sorry, I know that probably doesn't make sense. But it's really innovative -- I've never seen anything like it before. I helped her with some of the filming."

I smiled as I listened to James talk passionately about the short films. It was really cute, the way his entire face lit up and he got so excited about all the details of the lighting and editing.

After a few more minutes, our waitress finally greeted us. "Sorry, it's packed in here. What can I get you folks?" she asked, looking to me first.

I bit my lip. "Um, I'll have a glass of water. And... um, I don't know, I haven't really looked at the menu..."

"Do you need another minute to decide?"

James intervened, handing her his menu. "Cass, you should try the chicken gyro. I bet you'd like it."

I shrugged, trying not to act surprised that he just called me Cass. "Yeah, okay. That sounds good."

"And I'll have the same. And a coke."

The waitress smiled and scribbled down our orders before hustling back to the kitchen.

"What, no rum with your coke this time?" I teased.

James laughed. "I don't really drink, to be honest," he said, his voice serious. "I used to a lot when I was younger... got in a lot of trouble for it, back in high school," he chuckled, "but I've realized that I can appreciate life a lot more when my mind is clear, and I don't like the person I become when I'm drunk. So I'll have a drink once in a while, or on a plane to calm my nerves, but that's pretty much it."

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