Chapter One

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       "Remember one day it'll be your turn to take up the mantle of Warrior as our family has done for many years protecting the planet," I remember my grandfather saying as he lay in bed one night. My name is Austin, my family has protected the Earth for centuries, along with members of three other families who have spirits of the ancient animal protectors. My family has passed along the spirit of the wolf and is usually the leader. We protect the Earth from an evil known as the Dark kingdom ruled by Dark Leo. There has been a great time of peace since the last attack from Dark Leo and his generals, and the talk of the warriors has softened, which to be honest I don't mind cause I don't want all the publicity. That was then, this is now.

         As I sit in class trying to make it through the day, I can't wait to be out so I can go home and get ready for training. As I'm trying not to fall asleep while Mr. Stephens is teaching, my friend Jacob nudges me" What time are we meeting tonight?" He asks me. "Six o'clock at the training grounds," I tell him, as I mentioned there are four other warriors and Jacob is one of them his family carries the spirit of the bear. Finally, the bell rings for class to end and I gather my things and then head home, as I walk out the front door another friend Damien stops me to also ask what time we are meeting. Damien carries the hawk spirit as his family has done for years as a protector, "we are meeting at six at the training grounds, can you let Phillip and Jon know as well?" I ask him. "Yah I'll tell them on my way home." He tells me as we walk out the front of the school. As I'm walking home I think about everything I've been through with my friends, as I have mentioned I carry the wolf Damien the hawk, Phillips family carries the eagle, while Jon has the dragon. There hasn't been any attack from the Dark Kingdom for years, but we train every day in case it does. I get home and go to the kitchen,

   "Hey, mom I'm home," I tell her as she washes dishes. "Hey, how was school?" She asks me. "Good as usual," I tell her grabbing a drink from the fridge, "around six I'm gonna meet the others and get some training in." "Okay just don't stay out too late." She tells me. " I won't I promise," I tell her as I head to the living room to get my homework started. After a bit, I hear my mom call for dinner so I make my way to the dining room. Just as we begin to eat I hear the front door open, "I'm home," I hear my dads voice coming from the living room," we are in the dining room, just in time for dinner." my mom tells him. "good I'm starved." he says as he sits down at the table. "how was your day dear?" mom asks him. "good, was just swamped at work." he says as he begins eating. Dad works for the local police station, he's a detective and our way of knowing if any attacks may happen.

  I finish my dinner and notice that it is almost six, so I put my dishes away, grab my bag from my room, and head for the training grounds near my house to meet the others. I get there and I see Jacob and Jon already there sparring. "hey guys," I say as I walk up. "hey Austin, have you seen Damien or Phillip yet?" Jon asks me as he drinks from a water bottle. "not yet but I'm sure they're on their way, they never miss training " I say as I sit my bag on the ground. "what do you want to work on today?" Jacob asks me. "I was thinking weapon training," I tell him. As we begin our training Damien arrives, "sorry about that mom was giving me a lecture about why I shouldn't dye my hair pink." he tells us, and we start laughing, " what, I think it'd be a good look." "Damien, no it wouldn't," I tell him as he gets himself ready to train. As Phillip gets to the training ground, I get our training gear that I hide nearby. After a little while, I get a call from my dad telling me to get home and to bring the others with me. So we gather our things and make our way to my house. When we get there my dad has a box in front of him in the living room, "It's time."

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