Chapter 3 An Awkward Kiss And Bleached Locks

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-3 Weeks Later-

Sawyer's PoV:

It's been 3 weeks since Rachel's father's funeral and ever since our little talk it has felt like Rachel and I have Neve been closer.

Keeping Rachel's mind of her father has been very hard on all of us these past weeks. Especially for her mom and her older sister Emily.

Most of the time she'd just be up in her room crying with the 3 of us sometimes 4 if you include my own mom trying to coax her out it would never end well.

Mrs Williams would be the first to leave and lock herself up in her own room. Emily would then give up and go do whatever that she does. And if My mom was with us she would always tell me to leave Rachel alone and give her some space. But I wouldn't. I'd stay and knock on the door until she'd open it, hug me right and let me in where we'd lay on the bed next to each other and talk about anything and everything until she'd fall asleep with her head against my shoulder.

But today, today was different I think, as I sat silently next to Rachel on their porch.

She had spent the night at my house and after only few hours of sleep the two of us woke up early,got changed and headed straight to the beach-after asking for permission of course. We spent the whole morning and most of the afternoon there. Not once did Rachel mention her father. She was smiling and laughing the whole time.

I was as happy as she is. Not cause I was at the beach but cause I got my best friend back.

My thought stream was interrupted when I saw Rachel's hand waving in front of my face.

"Earth to Sawyer" I heard her say.

"Yeah ?" I reply turning to look at her.

"Nothing you just seemed so lost in thought .." Rachel says tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh Yeah .. I was thinking about our time at the beach" I say smiling.

"I thought so" She says smiling back at me.

Our eyes meet and suddenly I found myself leaning in. The next thing I knew our lips met but only for like 2 seconds.

I quickly pull back mutter a speedy goodbye and run straight back to my house.

Rachel's PoV:

The weirdest thing in the world just happened. Sawyer just kissed me.

I sit very still after he had kissed me for about 2 seconds then ran off. As if he couldn't make things any more awkward and try to take in what had just happened. I feel the corners of my lips go up as I allow myself a small smile. I a tiny seed of hope is planted in me. Maybe Sawyer likes me back .. (Yes I admit that I do have a little bit of a crush on him.) I find myself thinking but then I quickly stop myself for the sake of not Ruining our friendship.

-A month or so later-

(Still Rachel)

My mom's car pulls up in front of our house. we had just gone grocery shopping the three of us Me,mom and my annoying older sister Emily who wouldn't stop bragging about her new boyfriend all the way to and back from the store.

Luckily the first thing I see out of the window when we arrive is Sawyer sitting on our front steps.

I smile and wave at him. He smiles and waves back. It's been almost a month since our kiss and luckily none of us have brought it up the next time we saw each other. We just went on like nothing ever happened and we still are.

When I get out of the car,Sawyer gets to his feet and to help us with our bags. As he approaches I notice something very different and shocking about him in fact it was so shocking that I froze in my spot.

He bleached the entire top half of his hair BLOND.

I try to pretend that I didn't notice but if it weren't for Emily It would have worked.

Ugh,she just had to stop her bragging and with an ugly sneer say.

'Wow .. Sawy if your trying to win Rachel over then you certainly won't with that hair'

Sawyer blushed and looked away. I on the other hand throw her a disgusted glare.

'What?' She says playing dumb. 'I was just telling the truth'.

'Well sometimes the truth needs to stay inside. Where it belongs young lady.' I heard my mother say.

She walked toward us carrying two grocery bags in her arms. She handed one to me and the other to Emily who frowned and said.

'Well that's a first. Mom telling me off for telling the truth'

'I'm just surprised your 'boyfriend' hasn't told you the truth about your big mouth' my mother responded picking up the third and final grocery bag.

Emily's frown turns into a scowl. I smile and out of the corner of my eye I catch Sawyer smiling too.

'UGHHH. You people are annoying' Emily says and stomps off inside.

'Thanks Mom' I say still smiling.

'Yeah.. Thanks Mrs W' Sawyer says looking down at his shoes.

She smiles back and says.

'Don't listen to her Sawy,it looks good'

And she ruffles his hair. He blushes even more,I start to giggle and my mother heads inside. I follow her refusing Sawyer's offer to take the bag from me.

I set the bag on the counter then Sawyer and I head out back.

'Alright Rach be honest with me' Sawyer says.

'Okay .. Sure about what?' I ask playing dumb although I know exactly what he's talking about.

'Don't act stupid Rachel and just tell me the truth about my hair!' He says.

I roll my eyes at him and say

'Alright but just remember that you asked for it'

'Just say it' he says frowning slightly.

He's cute when he frowns. I find myself thinking but then I snap straight to reality.

'Okay .. ' I begin. 'It looks like someone dunked only half your head in bleach !'

'And by that you mean?' He says the confusion clear in his tone.

'I mean my dear Sawyer.. That it sadly does not look good .. In my opinion that is' I say in a formal tone.

He chuckles then replies in a formal tone.

'Well all I have to say is that your opinion does not matter my dear Rachel and it probably never will'

We both laugh and I gently shove him.

'I'm serious Sawyer.. That's just my opinion .. If you think it looks good then don't give a what about what anyone says' I say after we stop laughing.

'I know that Rach.. You don't have to tell me' he replies attempting to ruffle my hair.

I swat his hand away and say.

'I know you do .. But It still needed to be said'

'Alright so now that's that.. You wanna go to the beach?' He asks.

'Sure. Why not? Just let me ask my mom' I reply.

He nods.


'Alright . Just make sure you'll let Mrs Hartman know where you are!' I hear my mom respond.

'KAY!' I say.

I turn to Sawyer, smile and say.

'Let's go'.

And we do.


😳😳😂😂 wow. Emzy wrote that. I like it. What do you think? Comment. And also vote.

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