Love isn't always fair (Andy Biersack romance)

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Hi! This is only a quick note but as you can probably tell this is my first story,so my writing might not be that good!! If you ever have any ideas you might like to see in this then feel free to send me them!!

'Happy Birthday!' Andy whispered to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. His breath tickled the back of my neck. I turned to face him and nuzzled into his chest, tracing the tattoo he had gotten for me. It was an infinity sign with my name in it above his heart. I watched as he got up and put a pair of sweatpants over his batman boxers. I could hear him walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. I sighed hoping he would be making a cooked breakfast. I'm very partial to a cooked breakfast on birthday, it has to have a lot of bacon and mushrooms! So I guess it's not really a cooked breakfast but a plate of bacon and mushrooms. He walked in 5 minutes later with a plate which had a lot of bacon and mushrooms on. I sat up to eat and went to get the fork but he snatched it off me and started feeding me. "I'm not a baby,you know" I tell him but open my mouth for food. "I know, well you're my baby and I love you very much" He tells me feeding me more mushrooms and kissing the top of my head.

Once I had finished I asked him if we were going to do anything today. "Well we are going to go to the park and have a picnic, then come home and watch a movie" He told me kissing my forehead. "Now you go get a shower 'cos we both know how long you take to shower and get dressed. I'll clear up and get the picnic ready"  As I started to move he slapped my butt. I looked at him with a disapproving look and he had a smirk and was shaking his head. I started to get off the bed and he lunged at me, I fell off the bed and screamed. He peered over the side of the bed to look at me. I lay still trying to make him think I had hit my head. "Shit" Andy mumbled getting off the bed to see me better. "Raargh!!" I shouted, leaning up and opening my eyes. "Damn you Rachel, I thought you was hurt!" He pulled me into a hug. "Don't do that again, please." I nodded burrowing my face into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and told me to go and get ready.

*~*~* Andy's POV *~*~*

After that little 'scare' I went to get the picnic ready. I made her a Nutella sandwich and myself a Skippy superchunk peanut butter one. I placed them in a picnic basket along with some jaffa cakes,a bottle of Mountain Dew for us both and a little box. I was going to propose to her as one of her presents. She is probably thinking I haven't gotten her anything but i've got a couple of things for her. I could hear 'Rebel Love Song' come on and took that as my cue to have a shower.

*~*~* Rachel's POV *~*~*

As I was putting my Sleeping With Sirens T-shirt on I realized Andy hadn't gotten me anything for my birthday. I don't mind as I don't like people fussing over getting presents. I mean Vic and Mike might've gotten me something and maybe Kellin but I mean being Andy's girlfriend is good enough! I walked down stairs and bumped into Andy, he turned around and I started giggling. We both had our Sleeping With Sirens T-shirt on. "Well great minds do think alike" He said winking at me. He picks up the keys and I walk out the front door.

*~*~* Andy's POV *~*~*

I pick up the picnic basket and the car keys. They're new keys as I've gotten her a new car for her birthday. I've got her a blue Cadillac Eldorado. When we go to the picnic hopefully we'll ride in it. I lock the door and follow her out. She's waiting for me so I don't think she's seen it yet. If she had then there would probably be screaming and lots of it! I set the basket down and sneak up behind her and place my hands over her eyes. I laugh as she tries to fight me. She gives up pretty quickly, i help her walk to the car and drop my hands.

*~*~* Rachel's POV *~*~*


I struggled not realizing it was Andy. I heard him start to laugh and stopped realizing I was safe and that I would never win. He kept his hands over my eyes and guides me down a little past this plant we have, well at least that's where I think we are. He then drops his hands. My eyes squint in the bright light but I see a new blue Cadillac Eldorado. I scream, jumping up and down. No-one's ever bought me a car before. My eyes start tearing up and I give him a ginormous hug. He sees the tears in my eyes and thinks something is wrong,before he can say anything I tell him. "No-one's ever bought me a car before and well...I...I love it! This is the best birthday present ever!"  I stand on tip-toes and give him a kiss. It's not easy going out with a 6'3" guy and I'm only 5'6".  I go to the passenger side and get in, I can drive it's just that I feel safe when Andy is driving. We got to the park and went and had a swing. We always use to come here when we were younger. We then walked to a tree and sat down. Andy got a penknife out and carved 'A-'  he handed me the knife and I carved an 'l R' . He carved half a heart and I carved the other half. He got our sandwiches out and we watched the children playing, recalling memories of when we were freshman.  

~ Flashback ~

The ginger girl got pushed into yet another locker, this time she hit her head and it started bleeding. I couldn't take it any longer. "Oi!" I shouted "Leave her alone, she's done nothing to you!". I walk up to them squaring up to the 'Leader' . "Why don't you push off Emo?" He said pushing me back. "I will, when you leave her be." I told him. He signalled to one of his cronies and they pushed her to me. "Now, go run off with your emo boyfriend and do what ever you emo's do." He told me walking away, already looking for a new victim. "Hey, are you ok?" I ask her. "Hi, ummm thanks I'm ok...I guess." She tells me. "Right, well you might want to go to the nurse 'cos your head's bleeding a little. I'll walk you there if you want?". I ask, she nods. "I'm Rachel...Rachel Fuentes." She tells me, holding her hand out. I take it and say "Andy Biersack, But I go by Andy Sixx. WAIT.... when you say Fuentes do you mean like Vic and Mike Fuentes? The guys from Pierce the Veil?" I ask her. (A/N I know they're not that old but just pretend :D )

~End of Flashback~

*~*~* Rachel's POV *~*~*

Andy made me a Nutella sandwich. As we were eating we recalled our freshman years. We talked about when we first met. He saved me from a gang which had been hitting me for a few weeks but I was too afraid to tell anyone. Andy helped me, he helped a total stranger. I don't think I would have the courage to do that. But he helped me before he knew my family. As soon as I say 'I'm Rachel Fuentes' people want to be my friend but he was different.


Hey,hope you are enjoying it so far 

Cover by: RazorbladeKissesx

Listening to the whole of the Wretched and Divine album :)


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