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For HBlove23

Jazz got to her feet slowly and shakily. Being deprived of gravity does things to people.

Others around her muttered to themselves as they stood, but she looked for one being in particular.

Rev stood to the side of the hall alone, nursing his stomach with a far away look in his eyes. His dull red eyes stared blankly at the paint splattered wall beside him. "Of course it would be him," Jazz heard him mutter as she neared him.

"Danny- Rev... What was that about? What did you do?" She asked him, reaching her pale hands out to place over his, him still holding his stomach.

He moved away from her faster than she could react, his far away look disappearing almost instantly. He removed his hand from his wound, and smiled lightly. "It's okay. Just a small mishap! He only acts like that that because we're opposites..." Rev shrugged it off. "He really only hates two people. Me and himself."

This didn't serve to make Jazz feel any better, but Rev swept away to the front of the group before she could say anything else.

What did he promise Loathe?

"Alright guys, since I now know where we are supposed to be headed, hang on tight!" He announced brightly, before anyone else can question him.

"To what?!" Dash blurts out. Rev cocked his head to the side.

"Well to each other I guess."

Half of a second was dedicated to people panicking and trying to latch on to someone, then-

There was a small chime and a blinding blue glow, and the floor fell away, sending them all hurtling downwards faster than breakneck speed.

For a good minute all they could do was scream, grasping onto whatever flailing limb they could reach, unable to see anyone through the blinding blue light. Then the air swirled and they stopped, falling to the ground into boneless heaps. It was hard for anyone to get their bearings, feeling like their limbs had been turned to jelly.

Except Rev, who floated cheerily at the front of the group.

"Well now since we're a little closer to the root of this, we can get on with-"

"Get off of me..." An identical voice moaned in pain. Star groaned as her head swam, and managed to untangle her limbs from someone else's as she flopped to the side blearily.

Rev looked down at the Danny in confusion. A green plaid shirt over a red and white shirt. Disheveled white hair and tired blue eyes. Rev raised an eyebrow.

"I know you." He stated. Others in the group looked at the Danny, still disoriented. Some were wary, as the one they just met was very violent.

The Danny sighed and closed his eyes, darkly circled eyes being emphasised by his sickly pale skin. "I'm so tired..." He said in a raspy voice. "Why can't I sleep? I'm just so tired..." He opened his blue eyes and stared glassily upward, seeing nothing.

Jazz quickly stood up, looking at the newcomer warily. "Uh, Rev? Who's this?"

"I used to be fun, y'know?" The white haired Danny said desperately, throwing his arms out to the side. "I thought I was fun but..." He let out a long suffering sigh. "I'm not.... Now I'm just... Tired."

Jazz stared at the Danny on the floor. He lay there like a broken doll, eyes blank and limbs splayed carelessly about. "Who is he?..."

Rev only stared.

"Who am I?" The Danny questioned himself, voice cracking.

Rev turned his head slightly. "He used to be… Fun?"

"I used to be FUN!" the Danny echoed in frustration. Angry tears pooled in his blank eyes. "I used to be FUN! Why am I so tired?? Why? I used to be.... If I could just... Get a little sleep..."

Rev stared down at him, pinning him with a calculating look. "So you used to be....... And now you're just-"

"Its depression." Star cut in solemnly. Rev looked at her. Her long blonde hair cast a shadow on her guarded face, her eyes averted to the ground.

"Depression?..." Fun whispered, seemingly in shock. "No, I... I used to be..." His eyes watered as he stared upward with once again blank emotionless eyes.

Jazz's closed fist is pulled tightly to her chest in denial.

"No." Rev's feet finally touched the ground. "We're missing one."

"No..." Fun echoed.

Rev shook his head and began pacing mid-air. "That can't be it. No. There's only four.... Hate and Peace...Work and Fun... I mean shifting to Loathe was an accident but-"

Everyone backed away as the red Danny's frustration grew clear, and he started to glow a red aura.

"I tried to be fun..." Fun pleaded from where he lay. Rev flew over to him.

"Where's the other one??" Rev asked Fun desperately.

Fun whimpered to himself, "I can be fun, I swear... I'm not depression... I'm not... I can be..."

Rev placed a glowing palm on Fun's chest and soothed him, "You can be. Of course you can."

Fun's breathing evened out and the tears that were threatening to spill disappeared. "I can.." The faraway look cleared up and he looked at Rev in surprise.

Rev smiled placatingly and asked, "But first, you have to tell me where Work is."

Fun blinked and said, "He's in the room... with books? Library?"

Rev nodded and removed his hand. Fun gasped lightly as the tears came back full force, some actually spilling and rolling down his cheeks. "No..."

Rev started building a large sphere of his aura in his hand, but stopped as Fun grabbed his wrist. Fun shook his head and whispered, "Thats... not his name anymore... You can't go in. Stay out.."

Rev nodded slowly, and pressed the sphere into Fun's arms. Fun wrapped his arms around the orb like a teddy bear and sighed deeply.

And they left him there as they followed a worried Rev, curled up like a lost child on the cold floor.

He could finally get some sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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