Cameron comes home

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Here it is the whole chapter and this is where Cameron comes home and getting settled will be a different chapter later on where Cameron meets his sisters for the first time and they bond and everything cause i want that to happen let's say Anna and Lacey had that moment so they are waiting on the boys to come home from the hospital so they can start their lives with all of the babies being home and everything, and I will do a list of what will happen much later anyways on with the story 

"Cameron buddy it's okay daddy is here" Harry says as he picks Cameron up from the crib and hold him in his arms since Cameron was really upset for some reason

Harry was looking at Cameron as he was holding him in his arms like baby since Cameron was a baby

"Cameron i think i have come up with a middle name for you buddy" Harry says as he was sitting in the rocking chair now rocking sweet little Cameron Styles back to sleep for the night

Cameron looks up at Harry with his pretty eyes as they were glossed over from him crying so much

"You're middle name is going to be Robin after my step-dad who raised me" Harry says as he was rocking Cameron back to sleep as the nurse came into the room to tend to Cameron

Cameron coos in response as daddy was talking to him

"Cameron Robin Styles is your name buddy" Harry says as the nurse starts to look at Cameron and give him a look over as well and change his dressing as well

Harry loved Cameron with all his heart and would move mountains for that little boy 

(Several days later)

Harry was in Cameron's nursery putting the finishing touches on his room since he was going to be released to come home and be with his daddy that loves him with all of his heart and was not going to give him up at all or leave him for dead and will protect him at all cost 

"Hey Harry is Cameron finally coming home?" Niall asks him as he was approaching Cameron's room that was fully done and was ready for him 

"Yes he is Cameron is all better and is ready to come home to join Lacey and Anna and be with them" Harry says to him 

"Lacey can't wait to meet him finally" Niall says to him 

"I know i told him all about the girls and what they had so he didn't feel left out at all, and he is such a happy baby i will protect him from the fans no matter what happens with him cause i really love him and i don't want to see him hurt" Harry says a she picks out Cameron's outfit he was going to wear home from the hospital 

Niall heard Lacey so he was going to go to her

"Well soon there will be another crying baby in this house" Harry says as he was packing the bag for the hospital cause he was beyond ready to get Cameron and bring him home from the hospital 

"Oh is Cameron coming home?" Louis asks as he came in with Anna in his arms

"Yes he is and i am going to be with him for a little bit learning how to care for him" Harry says to Louis

"I did that with Anna, and it was the best feeling in the world when i got to be with her and spend that time with her I got to know her cues and everything. This time it will be different you will learn how to care for his burns and everything Harry, and you will be the best dad in the world to him, and he will have a great family" Louis tells him as he gave him a pep talk before he heads to the hospital to be with Cameron for the night 

"I know it will be and he comes home tomorrow so tonight i will learn how to care for him with some help before he is release to come home" Harry says as he grabs the diaper bag before heading to the hospital to be with Cameron for the night 

(Skip car ride)

Harry arrives and is excited to be with Cameron that night in hospital

"Yes can you tell me where Cameron styles room is?" Harry asks cause he could not with Cameron much during his stay cause he was not his father really since the adoption is final for all of the babies Harry could be with Cameron as much as he would like and hold him to his heart content 

"Yes room 5589" the lady at the desk says 

Harry knew that was the burn unit of the hospital so he heads there to be with Cameron and hold him 

(Cameron's room)

"Hey bud" he says as he comes into the hospital 

Cameron knew it was daddy coming into the room to see him

"Tonight i get to be with you cause you come home tomorrow to be with Anna and Lacey" Harry says as he was going to hold Cameron for a little bit that night since he was going to be staying with him 

Cameron gets comfy with daddy for a little bit 

"Daddy is right here buddy" Harry says as he was going to head to the rocking chair to be with him 

Harry rocked him and he was eating it up 

"The sunset is pretty tonight" he says as he was looking at it  as he was rocking the little boy 

"Your first sunset baby boy" he says as he was rocking him 

Once the sunset Harry was going to learn to take care of his burns since he was still healing right now 

"Tonight baby boy daddy will sleep with you so you ain't lonely" he says as he was going to lay with him on the pull out couch 

Part 2 next or the following week 

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