The end......maybeh

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         "Really?" Kyra asks, bouncing up and down, feeling her spirits being lifted. "Ooooof course! We couldn't let a young girl like you roam these cold, harsh streets. Come with me love," the supposed Elizabeth told Kyra. Kyra looked around, and agreed to follow the nice elderly couple. They lead her to a small log cabin, which looked rather cozy. They led her in and she was greeted by the comforting smell of vanilla scented candles and the sight of a nicely decorated living room. There was a rocking chair with a half-knitted sweater on it, and the fire place was still burning. "You have a lovely home.." Kyra said, admiring everything. "May I take a look around?" She asks politely. "Of course, lass, nothing we have to hide," The man replies sitting down. He picked up a book and laid back in his chair to start reading. She nodded and kicked her shoes off, "Thanks."

       While exploring the home, Kyra found a few journals. She was tempted to read them, but she kept herself from being nosey. She finished roaming the small home and returned to the living room. "Did you find what you needed darling?" Elizabeth asked, taking a pie out from a rack in the fireplace. "Yes ma'am! ....what's that?" Kyra points at the cast iron pan she was holding and Elizabeth looked down at it. "Oh! This? Why, this is my famous pumpkin pie!" ...oh.. Kyra thought, staring down at the floor. She looked up to see Elizabeth standing right in front of her. "Would you like to try some, love? You must be hungry!" "Oh..uh...sorry...I don't really have the..taste..? for pumpkin...sorry.." Kyra says. Elizabeth looks disappointed for a moment, but smiles once more. "It's ok darling. What do you like to eat?" Kyra stood there, thinking of something that wouldn't scare her. "I..I like...venison...?" She smiled awkwardly. "Ok dearie, I'll check if we have any left over from Cornelius' hunting a fortnight ago," Elizabeth set down the pie on a table and asked her husband if there was any leftover meat left.

      "Here ya go," she said, handing a plate of hot deer meat to Kyra. "Thank you so much..." she said gratefully starting to tear up. "What's wrong, lass?" Cornelius asked. "I-I just..I don't know why I'm here..." She wiped her face. "I'm going to go eat now...thanks again.." She took the plate carefully and walked outside. It was getting dark. It seemed about..6:00 maybe? The town was getting quiet that's for sure. As she ate the meat, she began feeling nostalgic about the island. But it was useless to think about going back, right? She was stuck in this Jamestown place. There wasn't even freakin cell service.

        It was about an hour until Kyra went inside; more like Elizabeth taking her inside. "Come on, you need some rest," Elizabeth gently took Kyra's hand and led her to a second bedroom. "Here. A spare blanket is sitting in the chair over there- *points to a corner* - and this will be your room. Now..before you can stay with us, love...What- may I ask- is your name?" She and Kyra sat on the bed. "Kyra.." she mumbled. "Hm?" "Kyra.." She sat up. "That's a beautiful name.." Elizabeth said, smiling.  "Kyra..." she repeated to herself. She snapped back to reality, "Well, may call me Gramma. And only Elizabeth in emergencies *chuckles*. And Cornelius will be Grandpa. And Cornelius whenever you call me Elizabeth; simply because that is respect. Understood?" Kyra nodded. "What do you say?" Elizabeth asked. Kyra cocked her head to the side out of confusion, "Huh?" "Whenever you answer to a woman in higher authority, you say 'yes ma'am'. And when it's a man, 'yes sir'. Alright?" Kyra nodded, "Yes ma'am." "Ok, good. Goodnight, love," Elizabeth said smiling and getting off of the bed. She got up, blew out the candle and shut the door.


A New Family Life

Kyra's POV

    The British accent caught up with me pretty quickly. I learned that Gramma is actually really sweet and she is the best cook. Grandpa is really good with guns, and he can shoot a deer from fifty feet away. And that's good for those kinds of guns. I never usually reminisce on things of the past any more..Gramma said that everyday is the present or it always will be. That the past is the past, and we should forget the unimportant things.. I learned to agree with her. Did I mention she is also very wise? 

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