Chapter 1

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"Bellaa, we are going to be late hurry up!" Zayn calls from downstairs

"I'm coming. I'm just finishing my hair!" I call back

"Fine." Zayn says




"Ready?" Zayn asks me, getting the car keys and waving bye to mum

"Yup. Bye mum" I say also waving bye to mum

As we step out of the house the wind blows strongly in my face and I pull my sweater closer to me and hurry into the car.

"Are you cold?" Zayn asks me turning the heater up

"Yea a little" I say smiling

"Ready for your first day of school?" He asks pulling out of the parking lot.

"Yea...well I'm kind of scared." I say nervously

"Why are you scared?"

"Because, I dont know anyone at Hearst High except you and Niall."

"Well, I'm sure you will make lot's of friends. You will meet my friends and they are in the same grade as both of us"

"I hope I do."





"We're here!" Zayn says as we enter the parking lot

It's huge. Zayn told me it was "big" but that doesn't describe even half of how huge it is.

"C'mon" He says snapping me out of my thoughts

"O..okay" I stutter grabbing my backpack from the back seat.

When we walk into the building, the walls are filled with trophies and pictures of retired staff.

"Hey Zayn" I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I turn around and see Niall walking torwards us his dirty blonde hair into a quiff and ocean blue eyes shining like always "Oh, hey Bella" Niall greets me opening his arm's for a hug.

As Niall hugs me I hear Zayn greeting some more of his friends. When me and Niall pull away, I stand near Zayn and his friends awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other.

"Guys, this is my step-sister Isabella, she moved to this school with me this year." Zayn announces me to his big group of friends.

"Hi, I'm Harry, nice to meet you" One of them greets me. His hair is brown and loose curls fall out of the sides of his head, and has green emerald eyes, his dimples carving into his cheecks as he smiles, then he pulls me into a hug, his hug is warm and he has a minty scent.

I turned back around and lock eyes with a pair of dark brown eyes, his hair neatly styled up. I get a strange feeling, like butterflies in my stomach. I hate the feeling because my face gets really red. I quickly turn away and mentally curse myself for making it obvious that I'm nervous, although I don't know why. Him and his friends walk over to where me and Zayn are at, and they all greet Zayn.

"Hi, I'm Liam nice to meet you." One with light brown eyes and brown hair greets me with a warm, caring smile.

"Hi, nice to meet you too" I anwser back smiling politely.

"Hey, I'm Louis" Says one with emerald eyes like Harry's and his hair messy at the top of his head.

"Hi" I say back to Louis

"Hey, I'm Michael" A guy with galaxy-colored hair greets me.

"Hey" I reply smiling

"Hello, I'm Ashton" His brown hair is also messy at the top of his head like Louis', his eyes are light brown, and his two dimples showing when he smiles.

"Hey" I smile back

"Hey, I'm Luke" One with blond hair, and blue eyes greets me, smiling. He has a lip piercing on the left corner of his bottom lip.

"Hey" I say back, and he surprises me by pulling me into a hug.

I look over at the one with dark hair and he is already starring at me but neitherof us say anything.

"Uumm, Calum, are you going to say anything?" Luke chuckles looking back at me.

"Oh..uh..yeah..sorry.. I'm Calum nice to meet you" He stutters. I feel my face burning again and I know for sure that my face is red. Why can't this be controlled in some way?

"Umm...hi." I say softly and smile at him and he smiles back

"Okayy...c'mon Bella" Zayn breaks the awkward silence.

"Okay." I say and follow him to our locker.

"Soooo... I saw your face getting all red back there when you met Cal. Why?" Zayn asks me smiling, when we get to my locker.

"Ummm... I don't really know."

"Hmmm" Zayn smirks

"What?" I ask nervously

"Nothing, nothing. Let's go to class" He says back laughing

"Whatever!" I say back smiling. What is he thinking?

*Bell rings for 1st period*

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