3: New friends!

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Cuphead POV

I sit inside waiting. My brother said he made a new friend and that his older brother was coming over too. I don't know who his older brother is and honestly don't care. I sigh as I fiddle with my hair. Fluffy and soft. Just the way I like it.

"Bro Bro we're home!!" My little Brother Mugman opens the door with a big goofy smile on his face. Two figures follow behind him. A tall wolf with black fur. He wears a bandana around his neck, brown shorts, and a black shirt. He seems to be bare foot.

After him there was a smaller Demon. Pitch black hair with a fair pale face. Ruby red eyes with a certain fire stirring inside. He wore a brown shirt with a blue jacket. Shorts just like his brothers. His tail end almost looked like a heart or a spade?

"Hi, I'm Boris and that's My older brother Bendy!" The wolf said as his tail wagged happily. Bendy observed me up and down. He waited before smiling with his eyes going normal once more.

"Hello, I'm Cuphead" Bendy chuckles a bit. Boris and Mugman ran out into the garden to play.

"What's so funny Bendy?" I ask

"Did your parents seriously name you Cuphead?"

"Yep. But what type of parents would name their kid an Adjective?"

"Fair point." Both of us laughed before reality struck hard

"I never knew my parents.. I don't know why they would name me this way.." I say. Bendy turns to me and put a hand on my shoulder.


"Geez.. I shouldn't be telling this personal carp to a strag-"

"I never knew my parents either.." I turn to look at him and he's smiling. With tears pouring out of his eyes.

I felt my heart lighten. Someone understood my pain!!

I start laughing as tears fall down my face. Bendy joins in

"Why? Why are we -*laughs* laughing?" Bendy asks

"I-I don't know- *laughs*"

Eventually we stopped crying and laughing. We stared into each others eyes. Our firey, red eyes. I lean closer and he does the same. Soon we were so close We could feel each others breath on our lips.

"BENDY ITS 7:30! WE NEED TO GO HOME!!!" Boris shouted in the front yard. We stopped what we were doing. A slight pink dusted over my face. Bendy stood up and ran outside. I could tell a red hint was creeping up on his pale face. He's so cute! How have I never noticed him until just now?

"Soooo Cups! What did you think of Bendy?"

"I.." I started without knowing how to end, "I can't wait to hangout with him at school.." Those were the 'normal' thought running through my head. Trust me I had a bunch more that could make our friendship 18+

I can't wait to see my demon Tommorow.. Wait..

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