The Garden

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Throughout the rest of the day I kept thing of James, how I had messed up. I said that I was sure I'd seen him before but couldn't think where. It was true, that I had seen him somewhere and couldn't think where...

I still remember his smooth and calm voice, his hands, his hair and his smile. I really liked James for what I could see!

Ryan also came round that afternoon. We sat in my back garden just chatting. It's was nice. I live a good way from the beach but you can always smell the fresh sea air!

Ryan and I started talking about having a summer vacation. The 4 of, Jess, Ryan and his new boyfriend Jake. They're cute together Ry and Jake!

"We should go to the Bahamas! " Ryan said really excited.

" I'd also like to meet my Prince Charming! " as I said it the thought James flooded back into my head...

" fine then! What about going Miami? I have an aunt over in the states, we could stay with her? "

" that's sounds great, we could get over there and I can go running on the beach! "I replied really happy

After Ry went home I was texting Jess, she said she can take some time off from her art school. Jake is self employed so he can take time off. Ry is available and so am I...

Then we booked plane tickets. Aunt nelly ( Ryan's aunt) was fine with us coming over. She would be on holiday to so we have the house to our selfs.

10th August is the day we go!


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