Chapter 19

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A/N: Wow I don't know how you can still enjoy this but, guess what!
I finally updated after 40 years.
Ok chapter 20 will be the last chapter but if u want I can update the character descriptions (who are worse than the story trust me) I did for them when I was 12 lmao???
Ok let's just start with the chapter.

Minhoo's P.O.V
(Next day)
Today was the day, today was Thomas' birthday.
(Eww didn't u fuckers made the cake a week ago, doesn't it get maybe, idk, FUCKING BAD?? Ur gonna poison yourself if u eat it just for your information)
I was exited, (here we go with the grammar...) it was gonna be a suprise party so I planned hat Thomas & me go shopping until Yuka & Sasha did the decorations and gathered all the guests, so we can get back here to suprise him.
( First of all, why do you always write "&" and not "and" like a normal person? And second of all what the fuck is a "SUPrise")
(M&T in the Mall)
(Lmao "M&T sounds like a brand like "H&M")
"So, Minhoo, why didn't Sasha and Yuka came along...?" Thomas suddenly asked, (didn't know it took you so long to realize that) I needed to think of a quick excuse so I said: "uhm...they need to finish a presentation." "Hmm, ok?" He said.
They're litteraly missing on ur birthday fam)

Sasha P.O.V

We were doing the decorations for the party and some guests already came, they met Yuka and then they went into the living room (upstairs) to wait.
Yuka and me were done with the decorations and the rest of the guests came and all of us hid in the living room and turned off the lights. And I send Minhoo a message that he should come.
(Wow imagine all the guests hiding for 3 hours )

Minhoo P.O.V

"Ok I think we're done, shall we go home?" ( U totally don't sound suspicious at all. NOT AT ALL FAM!) I asked Thomas, he agreed and we went home.


Thomas P.O.V

As we arrrived we went up to the living room, as I opened the door I turned on the lights but suddenly everyone jumped out of nowhere (typical magic fucking living rooms) and shouted: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS!" I was indeed suprised, (YEA U WERE, NOW THANK THEM MAYBE?? And eat some of that poisoned cake) then everyone came up to me and hugged me & gave me presents, then Sasha came with a cake with candles, I blew them all (lol 🌚)


Everyone was dancing to some music, except me, I was eating the snacks *-*
I saw Minhoo and the others talk so I went up to them and we talked for a while (Thomas how could you betray your snacks an the poisoned cake??) then I said: "it's sad that we have to go back to Seattle tomorrow ." "Yeh..." (THIS SHIT EMPTY *YEET*) Minhoo said. "Don't go..." Yuka said, "It's fine we'll come next year..." Minhoo told her, (BITCH, ur girlfriend already misses u do t be a dick)
"Yeah but...It's..." Minhoo didn't let her finish the sentence, he kissed her. Me & Sasha we're screaming how cute that was and we took photos.
(Why do your friends fangirl over you anyway?!)

Anyways guys it was fun while it lasted.
See you in the last one!

A STUPID STORY I WROTE WHEN I WAS 12Where stories live. Discover now