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You are in a casino, full of different species of aliens. Some are Onyxheiran, some are Lanorian, and some are Ventrexian. You walk up to play an arcade game called 'Blaster Master', where you step into a giant 3D model of a ship you've sworn you've heard of before called the 'Galaxy One'. As you walk in, you notice its a simulation game and you're really excited to play it. As you fasten your seat belt, you reach into your pocket and grab some Ventrexibucks, and insert them into the vacuum-type slot below. You place some in there, and it sucks up all of your bucks. You look at the simulation screen and start to play. It's really action packed and you start to get drawn into the game. Before you know it, the game ends and you are slightly disappointed. Your watch starts to ring, saying, "50 credits added to your Rewards Card." You walk out and go up to the counter to buy something. "What can I get for you?" the guy at the register asks. You look around and ask to get a microbar (its your favorite candy). He picks it up and scans your watch. "8 credits spent," your watch beeps. You decide to leave and visit the cafe area. You sit down at a table and look at the menu. The chairs you are sitting on are very squeaky and noisy, but you decide to not let that bother you. You then hear a louder squeak, but it wasn't from you. A Ventrexian sits in front of you and looks at you. "Sorry if I'm bothering you, ha! I just...uh...its really packed and I hope you don't mind." You allow it and he thanks you. He then starts up a conversation with you. "So, what do you usually do when you come here?" You explain that your favorite childhood game was transferred here and you play on it when you get stressed. The Ventrexian replies, "Yeah, I feel you. I come here because most of the time I'm just really bored or if my son wants to play anything." You chuckle and smile at him. He seems like a good guy. You ask what his name is, and he replies, "Oh, I'm Avocato. And my son over there is Little Cato. He loves playing that Galaxy One thing." Funny, you thought. He reminded you of when you were just a little kid. You ask him if he wants anything off the menu, and he kindly refused. You look into Avocato's eyes, and you start to blush. "I can get you anything you want, Avocato. It's totally fine with me." Avocato looks back at you, and he sighs. The waitress approaches you two and asks, "What would you like to order?" You look at Avocato and he looks back at you. You both start to blush and then look away from each other quickly. You start to speak, but Avocato interrupts and says, "We'll take a couple go." Avocato looks back at you after saying it and winks. Then you look at him and get slightly aroused. You then whisper under your breath...Holy crap.

Fifty Shades Of Cato (An Avocato x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant