'The Passengers'

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The window on the right side of Raghav was opening and closing again and again due to the storm outside, while he was sitting in the examination room of The Hindu College, New Delhi. It was his last exam for the completion of his prolonged graduation in Bachelors of Arts, the subject was Psychology; the same subject that he had chosen out of curosity for he wished to become a psychologist one day. The objective was to understand and studying the human mind and it's functions, especially those affecting the human behaviour.

But he was unable in grasping the theory which he could have had written in that exam in response of the questions asked. He patiently waited for almost two hours, expecting something to appear into his mind that he shall inscribe in the answer sheet which was still blank, else than some of the student details.

It was a swift blow through the window that forcibly closed his answer sheet, and he decided for leaving from there, rather than listening to the constraints of attempting to write even a word.
He stood from his seat, keeping the pen and admit card in the side pocket of his black jeans and asked for the examiner's permission.

The examiner; who looked impressed from him to have completed his exam an hour early, allowed him and requested for leaving the answer sheet on the desk only. Raghav thanked him for no reasons but out of courtesy and walked outside the room observing some of the students to be using cheats, that the examiner had failed to notice.

The gaurds were replacing the dustbins that had blown away by wind and the pedestrians were rushing to the safer shelters as Raghav stepped out of the college's main entrance gate. His hairs were scattered all over his face but he ignored and continued walking to the nearest metro station -Vishwavidyalaya, instead of taking the public transport.

After travelling for an hour, being lost and traumatized about his falling career which he desired to be stable very soon, he had reached the station where he required to deboard.

'Shahadra Station- doors will open on the left, please mind the gap'. The announcement made him alert and he stood at the gate.

He then took the auto rikshaw (A common public transport used in countries like India) to his home, shifting more to the corner as the auto driver attempted of adjusting another men in between the already seated passengers, including Raghav.

But as their auto rikshaw finally drove ahead, he suddenly observed the girl positioned in front of him, she seemed crying!!
Though, he ignored her constant sniffs assuming her to have been suffering from cold, also because the weather had changed abruptly. However, soon he authenticated her cry noticing those brown wide eyes that continuously secreted water.
She too saw him observing her for a while, giving a pitiable look towards him and they travelled likewise for sometime.

Interestingly, they requested the driver to stop the auto rikshaw at the same time; realising their destination to be same. Raghav allowed her first for stepping out and then he himself jumped down following her, paying his fare to the driver. He turned behind looking for that girl but she had disappeared somewhere in the drizzle.

Feeling guilty to have not conversed with her, ascertaining the reason for her trouble, he moved forward meanwhile hearing the call from an e-rikshaw (another conveyance) driver, who now parked his rikshaw in the middle way and urging him to sit inside. But before Raghav could have yelled upon him in annoyance for barring his way, he found the same girl seated in that e-rikshaw.

"Where you wish to go sir?" - The driver asked.

"Where are you heading towards?" - Raghav enquired to know where the girl wished to go, since she was the only passenger.

"To B- block..." - The driver replied, although Raghav's home was at the walking distance from then. But he hopped in noticing the girl side- longing towards him.


Hey! The owesome reader!!
This the first chapter of My Novel named The "Annotations".

Hope you read the chapter and enjoyed it thoroughly.
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What do you think Raghav's next action would be relating his own life?

Who's that girl? And what could be the reason causing her eyes to shed tears?

Any guesses?

Find out this Thursday for more! Take care till then and stay creative :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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