Chapter five: Jealousy and Roars

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~(Y/N)'s POV~
I watch as Elsa played with Subzero in the ballroom. I leaned against the wall with crossed arms. "Ok I feel a little jealous now..." I mumbled so I can only hear. Elsa then ran towards me with the brightest smile I ever seen. "Thank you (Y/N)!!" Elsa yelled and hugged me tightly and I hugged back. "You've been thanking me ever since I got you Subzero! You can stop ya know?" I said breaking the hug and looked at Elsa. "Still! I'm soooooo happy!!!" Elsa yelled kissing my cheek about ten times which, of course, made me blush like crazy. I soon chuckled seeing Storm playing with SubZero. "What's so funny?" Elsa asked confused and I pointed behind her. She looked behind her and giggled. I did my dragon roar so Storm can come over and Elsa can go back to playing with SubZero. Storm ran over and I pat his head "good boy" I said and I looked over to Elsa to see her looking at me in shock. "What?" I asked tilting my head a little to the side "how did you do that?!" Elsa asked "oh! Well, it takes practice but it's pretty easy" I said shrugging "can you please teach me?" Elsa said with puppy eyes and I blushed "Ok just don't give me the puppy eyes!" Elsa cheered and SubZero roared along with Storm.
~Outside of Arrendelle~
Me and Elsa are in the forest so her roar can sound better. "Ok Elsa! Think of a roar and sound it to SubZero over and over again until you know SubZero knows the roar" I said and she did just that. She did a lion roar. SubZero singled that he got it and I smiled "great job! Now SubZero will go to the top of the mountain and you will do the exact roar you just did! If he doesn't comes down then Storm will get him! Ready?" I said and Elsa nods. SubZero flew up to the mountain and Storm flys into the sky just in case. "Go when your ready" I said and Elsa rolled her eyes before doing it. I look up to see SubZero just sitting up there while cocking his head to the side. "Erm, try again?" I said to Elsa who looked a little disappointed. Honestly, I thought that sounded exactly like the roar she did. Elsa did it again but louder. SubZero didn't come down. I groaned "Elsa how about you stay here and I'll go see what's wrong with SubZero ok?" I said and Elsa nods. I hopped onto Storm and flew up to SubZero. "Heya buddy, what's wrong?" I asked and SubZero looks at me. "This isn't fun" SubZero said. Thank you Annie for teaching me how to speak dragon. "Well, Elsa is getting pretty upset that your not going down" I said and SubZero looked guilty. "Oh, I didn't mean to make her sad. I'll come down when she does it again" SubZero said and I nod with a smile. I fly back down and I walk to Elsa "do it again" I said with a smirk. Elsa obeyed and SubZero came down wich made Elsa really happy. I look away since I'm starting to get jealous again. Why doesn't she look at me like that? I ask myself in my head. Storm came and nudged me with his nose "jealous?" Storm asked and I nod. Storm did a sad purr before giving me the puppy eyes. "We better go. It looks like there might be a storm coming" I said while looking at the grey clouds above us. "Agreed" Elsa said before her and SubZero flew off with Elsa screaming happily. I groaned and mounted Storm before flying off. Lucky dragon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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