Chapter 3

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"It's too easy," Peggy said. 

The three of us were camped out in our (Peg's and my) apartment again going over what I had found at MetalWorks. 

"I agree," Howard said. "A safe would make more sense. Unless he's a dumb Hydra agent. They have to know that we're looking for them."

"Everything points to the Winter Solider first appearing in Europe. Hydra had several labs and facilities peppered throughout Europe." I said.

"Steve took care of most of them," Howard commented. "So that narrows the list down."

"Yes, he did," Peggy said softly. She cleared her throat. "I believe that left 2 facilities we never touched. We didn't have exact locations but with the information we've gathered throughout the years, and what's here on the table, we can probably pinpoint both."

Howard sighed. "Let me guess. You want Maria--my trusty sidekick--and I go check them out."

"No actually." Peggy smiled. "I'll be going in with Maria. You get to be the lookout." We both looked at Howard.

He groaned. "Somehow I know that's going to be worse than going in."


One week later, somehwere in France

I adjusted my cleaning uniform, making sure my scarf covered enough of my face. No one had noticed that I wasn't Colette, the girl who usually worked on this floor. So far checking this facility was going better than the first one had. 

Our covers hadn't been blown but I had almost tripped an alarm at that one. A scientist kept trying to ask me out and he wouldn't take no for an answer. Thankfully, Maria had caused a diversion by "accidentally"  hitting the fire alarm. Everyone evacuated and we took off. The facility had been completely refitted by the French government after the War and we could tell that not a bit of Hydra remained.

Today's facility had been bought by a private research company. They insisted on a minimum number of inspections by the French government and would threaten to not hire local citizens if France at all overstepped its boundaries. Howard had talked to a few of his contacts and learned that the company was only a few years old. No one could really trace its owner either. On the surface it looked like another research lab. But the closer we got, the more we realized that it was probably Hydra.

I continued walking down the hall with my big trash can. Most of the offices and rooms on this floor seemed to be empty so I was almost done checking it. Hopefully, Maria was having better luck.


The only two identities we'd been able to buy had been a cleaning lady and a lab assistant. Peggy had taken the cleaning lady cover because of the problem at the other facility. She was a striking woman and would easily stand out anywhere she went. Me on the other hand--I have a girl-next-door look and can fit in anywhere. So I was the lab assistant.

It was the lunch hour so most people weren't around. I'd cleared a few of the labs and so far hadn't found much at all to indicate Hydra involvement. Until I heard the noise. 

At first it sounded like a dog whimpering. But the closer I got, it sounded more human--a man crying.

The door was unattended. Odd since I'd seen  a guard posted next to it when I first entered the hall. I looked around and made sure that no one was coming or watching. Everything was clear so I entered quickly.

It was an observation room. Lots of panels reporting what looked to be physical stats--someone's heartbeat, vitals, the works. The desk was littered with papers but one file caught my eye. It was labeled "Winter Soldier." I grabbed it and stuffed it under my lab coat. I had to get out of here.

I cast a quick glance at the man in the hospital bed. The glass was too clouded for me to see him well so I ventured closer, walking through the door that separated the rooms. As I neared, I realized that he was crying in his sleep. It was almost surreal to see the masked man everyone feared whimpering as he slept.

But what shocked me even more than his weakness was his face. I had grown up with that smile and handsome face. What was it doing attached to an assassin?


Once upon a SHIELD case (Howard Stark)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ