Real or not Real pt 1~

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It's pitch black. I feel myself rising. Where am I? What's happening? "Hello?!" I scream. All I hear is echoes. "HELLO?!". I look up and see a bright white light. What is it? I finally reach the top. I have to squint to shield my eyes from the burning light. Then my eyes adapt. I see the huge Cornucopia. "What's happening?!" I scream. I feel myself turning. Oh my god. I look around and see Peeta pale white. I see Rue. I see Cato. I see all the tributes from the 74th Hunger Games. I look down. I'm barefoot. "What?" I whisper. I'm wearing shorts, a short sleeve shirt, and my hair is down and long. Then I see my first kill, I never knew his name. He turns into a little puppy, which looks like a Golden Retriever. He comes after me, growling. As he approaches closer and closer he seems to grow. By the time he reaches about 5 feet away from my silver plate he's as big as a lion. It scares me. I try to run, but it seems as if I am stuck in some type of force not allowing me to move. He inches closer. My fear grows. All I see is a gigantic werewolf like creature jump towards me before my world goes black.

Real or not Real? Ch. 1Where stories live. Discover now