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A/N hi so I'm going to be doing requests so comment on what you want a chapter to be so yee

I woke up to the twins screaming I went into their rooms and only Travis was crying
Trinity was sound asleep.
I picked up Travis starting rocking him until he went back asleep I went back into my room but I didn't see Diego in bed or his car in the driveway. I panicked and called him.
After 5 mins of calling him he picked up but instead of his normal voice he sounded drunk and it sounded like he was at a club..
D = Diego
L = Lexie

L: hey where are you at 3 AM
D: w-what bab whaatt
L: Diego are you okay
D: y-eaa queeen

I hung up the phone and sat on the bed
It's obvious Diego wasn't ready to become a parent.
I started to pack my back and put all my stuff in the car got the twins and drove off in my black (idk what kind of car)
I left.
I was broken.
I felt depressed that Diego would do that to Travis, Trinity and myself.

Diego's PVO
I woke up and I was in my car outside the strip club "FUCK" I quickly drove home realizing the Lexie would be pissed

At the house
"H-hello" I creaked open the door
I opened the door
"What the hell" all her stuff was gone
I say a notebook the counter
'Dear Diego where were you at 3 AM? I called you and it heard like you were at a club last night I left so you can get another bitch pregnant. I really thought you would be the best dad but nope  
I don't know if I could trust you'


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