How Things Work

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Firstly here are the ships and crushes clarification.

Ships go with x's like for example Julie x Dennis

And crushes go like --> for example Rita --> Ben

? means unknown.

Here's the list for the original rp universe here.

Julie x Dennis

Harry x Chazz

Lara --> Walther

Mike <--> Susan <--Billy

Rita --> Ben <-- Signe

Kat --> Red

Summer --> Tom

Duke <--> Jen

Paul --> Sarah

Martin <--Rose --> Adriel

Lilly --> Blaze

Callie --> Frank

Here's the list for the AU.

Julie x Dennis

Harry x Chazz

Signe x Ben

Lara x Nemo

Susan x Mike

Callie <--> Fabio

Adam <--> Kat <-- Jimmy

Angel ? Beast

Tom <--> Summer

Jen --> Tony

Jessi --> Cliff

Rose --> Drew

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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