Chapter 2: Good Dreams are the Start of Nightmares

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*Text in bold*

Number is made up.


Rosaline's POV

I stared at him for a second with a raised eyebrow and chuckled. "21 questions, were a little old for that."

He shrugged and smiled before looking at me again, this time something flashed in his eyes and I widen mine slightly.

"Alright what's your full name?" his voice was raspy and I felt goose bumps arise on my arm as he spoke.

"Rosaline Maria Carter". I rolled my eyes at my middle name and looked at Harry who smiled.

"I like your name." I smiled and sighed thinking about a question for him.

"What's your name?"

"Harry Edward Styles" I nodded and then he asked a weird question.

"Do you believe in God?" I looked at him and swallowed.

"I mean I have my days where I sometimes don't think he's there but then I get proved wrong." I said honestly and his eyebrow twitched as I said that.

"Do you believe in God?" He shook his head.

"No, if their was a 'God', then I wouldn't be here in this hospital bed." He put air qoutes when he said God and I nodded my head.

"Are you a virgin?" my eyes widen and I felt my cheeks turn red.

"No, that caught me off guard." I laughed and scratched my head. "Are you?"

"Wait your not? You kind of look like one and no I'm not either." I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders.

"I get that sometimes, this game is getting a little boring don't you think; let's just talk how bout that?" He nodded and patted his bed, I sat on the corner of his bed and let my feet dangle.

"So what do you want to know?" I thought for a second and shurgged.

"Anything, you can tell off the top of your head." He nodded and smiled.

"I found out I had asthma in elementary school, I passed out during gym and woke up in a hospital."

"Damn, that must suck. You got any special talents?"

"I can jungle, I bet you I can move things with my mind if I try too." I laughed and shook my head.

"Your funny", looking at my watch I realized it's the end of my shift," Well, Harry, it's time for me to go."

"Aw I was enjoying your company." I smiled and he grabbed my hand as I stood up.

"Can I possibly get your number, just in case I don't see you before you leave and we can maybe get dinner?" I blushed and nodded, he handed me his phone and I typed in my number before handing it back to him.

Saying goodbye one more time, I walked back into the eerie hallway but this time with a smile on my face. I pressed my index finger on the cool metal of the elevator button and waited for it to come back up.

That's when I heard a laugh, I turned my head to the left to see a man with a mop and ripped uniform; his skin was almost grey and the whites of his eyes were yellow.

"He's going to come for you.." I widen my eyes and scrunched up my eye brows.

"W-who is coming for me."  the man stepped closer to me and I started to smell something awful,


I backed up into the wall and pressed the button over and over again till the door opened and the man was a couple steps away from me.

"Leave me alone! No one is coming for me." I frantically pressed the 'close door' button but the shit was being slow, the man ran towards me and grabbed my arm. Nails digging into the flesh of my wrist and dragging up to my elbow as the doors closed and he withdrew his arm; a cry escaped my mouth as I cradled my arm to my chest, his evil smirk plastered on his face.

"The devil himself."  A tear slipped pasted my eye as the doors closed and I started my way back to the locker room to retrieve my things.

Blood fell to the floor as I speed walked to the locker room and grabbed a first aid kit on the nurse's desk, I received looks from everyone but I ignored them and kept walking; blinking the tears away. As I cleaned the wound I wrapped my arm up and changed my clothes, before running out of the hospital.


"I've never seen that guy before on the sixth floor, actually I've never heard of that man before." Holland said into the phone, her brother broke his leg in school; he's in high school.

"I know right, ugh, I was so scared and he said the devil himself is coming for me." a shiver went down my spine and I felt the cuts starting to hurt. I winced and I looked down at the bandage to see Blood seeping through.

"Holland let me call you back." I hung up and got off the couch, heading to the bathroom I took off the band-aid in the bathroom and saw that the skin around was very red. Sucking my teeth, I started to clean the cuts and saw my phone light up; I looked at the number.


Hey Rose it's Harry.

I smiled and text him back.


Third Person's POV

  A smirked laced itself to 'Harry's' mouth, he chucked darkly before walking to the bathroom mirror in his hospital room, looking into the mirror he watched as his reflection showed a darker version of himself, but with pitch black eyes. I felt my own changing and I looked at my twin.

"Edward why the fuck are you in the hospital." Edward rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"I fucking blacked out and had chest pains." Harry nodded and gave his twin a face, the face that says 'How did you fucking chest pains when your a demon.'

"Well did you find her?" Edward smirked and nodded then pulled out his phone and flashed him a smile.

"Good, all we need to do is bring her down here. Then I can make her mine, I can't rule the underworld alone; Lucifer isn't having it." Nodding in understanding, as Lucifer's only kin, they both needed to have wives to both rule the underworld. Or their sections.

"Yeah well I found mine as well and she's in this hospital as well." Harry nodded and smiled showing off his sharp teeth.

"When do you need me to come up their with you?" Edward hummed to himself as he thought of how he needed to lure her in before actually dragging her down there.

"When does Lucifer say you need to have her?" His brother shrugged, Edward could already see he was losing his patience, and then became angry.

"I'm coming to get her myself, your taking too long. You've been up there for a month." Gaping at him and suddenly the room starts to shake.

"Remember I'm doing you this favor, Harry so do not get at me for your mistake of not being able to find someone." Edward's voice roared into the mirror and it started to crack,  Harry growls and then glares at his twin.

"I'll be there by tomorrow, so I'll see you in the moring." He growled and I rolled my eyes. Nodding non the less.

"Sometimes you have to do things your own way in order to get things done."

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