Light In His Darkness CH9

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9⃣Light In His Darkness

Breakfast was a tense, quiet non-event that morning.

Yesterday, after Kris had basically called Adam out as part of the problem with his mother, the singer had become withdrawn. He did his work but each time Kris tried to engage him in conversation, tried to lighten the mood, Adam wouldn't bite.

So this morning, Kris gave up trying to have a conversation. He was more than aware how Adam was feeling about seeing his mom. The hair flopped over his face and his sunglasses said it all - 'leave me the fuck alone'.

That was fine with his teacher. Kris picked more at his food than Adam did, his mind preoccupied. He normally didn't have to have these conversations with his students' families; usually, by the time they reached him, the families had already had counseling on how to adjust. Somehow the Lamberts had skipped that part. Adam's therapist for his depression had barely helped at all since the core problem hadn't been dealt with.

On top of all this, Kris had to share the news he was heading back to his own apartment tonight. He'd helped his student settle in, being available 24/7, and now it was time for some separation. It was probably for the best. Kris needed space, especially since his head and heart were at constant battle over this man. Working a regular shift would remind him this 'thing' was a professional relationship and nothing more.

Adam pushed his half eaten plate aside and stood up, cane in hand.

"Not hungry. I'm going back to my room," he declared sullenly.


"You're ... you're not going to argue with me?"

"No, I'm sure any attempts to learn something this morning would be a waste of time." Kris saw Adam's face fill with confusion. A little part of Kris relished it. After all the times Adam gave him a hard time, now the tables were turned. "Your mom will be here at one o'clock, I imagine you have some thinking to do," he added bluntly.

"I ... guess I'll see you at lunch?"

"No, I have an appointment. I'll see you when your mom gets here."

Adam just nodded and walked away. Kris watched him go then pushed aside his breakfast, any appetite he had now gone.

~~ ☼ ~~

Kris wandered around the lobby, waiting for Leila Lambert to arrive. He imagined she'd be more anxious this time, especially after the way she and Adam left things. Guess it didn't help matters that his therapist wanted a private chat ahead of time. Kris easily imagined what worries were swimming around in her head.

A few other cars pulled into the parking lot ... folks coming to visit family ... and then a SUV parked at the farthest point from the front door and three people headed his way. Kris recognized Leila Lambert right away but he didn't know the two men with her. Half way, Leila stopped. She was too far away for Kris to see her expression clearly but her body language showed she was scared. The taller man leaned down and spoke to her and he must have said the right things as they started walking again.

Finally, they made it to the lobby, smiling awkwardly.

"Kris ... it's nice to see you again."

"You too Leila."

He looked at the men, waiting for an introduction. Before that happened, Leila let out a little gasp and clutched at the older man's arm.

"Adam ...."

Turning around, Kris spotted Adam making his way to the dining room. The lobby was large enough and busy enough that the singer didn't hear his mother. He deftly moved his way around obstacles with his cane and disappeared down the hall.

Light In His Darkness (Kradam)Where stories live. Discover now