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A tad too angelic, but still powerful all the same. 
What powers doesn't she have?
She reappeared with the same light while he was still marvelling at her rare ability. Who was he kidding. The fact that ability existed to be called rare was astounding enough.
"Caine said meet him and Diana at the gates. "What's Diana like?" Lily inquired curiously.
Drake's face twisted at the mention of Diana.
"A jumped up, glorified iPhone. You two would probably get along well, though," Drake said.
"Great, she sounds utterly brilliant," Lily grinned. Drake had to smile at that.
"Great, she sounds utterly brilliant," Lily grinned.
A similar smile spread across Drake's lips, soft and sweet- so unlike his usual shark smile. Lily found she like it. A lot. As it faded, she found she wanted to make him smile like that again.
Drake wondered if Lilith even knew she looked like a goddess when the light hit that slight tilt of her lips. Not quite a smile, not cocky enough for a smirk. Open and yet closed off to all but those who were lucky enough to see it.
When Lily smiled, the world hoped only to catch a glimpse of it.
God, you're whipped.
Drake really hated that voice in his head sometimes. Especially when it was telling him to get what he wanted, get it now. Lily stepped closer. Her eyes looked bluer in the sun. Drake was reminded of an ocean. The world was drowned out as all he could think of was her. How did this girl have such an effect on him?
Does it matter? You'll only ever have her the way you don't truly have her.
Drake didn't want to resort to that right. Not with Lily.
"Let's burn Perdido Beach to the ground together," Lily whispered in Drake's ear.
"You're hot when you want to burn things," he grinned. At least I can try.
Lily laughed at the incidental pun, a musical sound that made Drake smile even wider.
"Let's go burn things then."
God, he was in for it.
Lily gripped Drake's hand and this time, when she disappeared, she took him with her.
It was a strange feeling.A swirling mass of white light blinded him before they arrived at the gates. About three seconds. From the main building to the gate. Even Drake had to admit, it was impressive. Caine was already there, his hands in his pockets, whistling some irritable tune. Diana stood beside him, silent and stoic. Bitch. They both looked up, though, when Drake appeared- his hand still in Lily's.
She disentangled their hands to wave at the duo.
Smiling warmly, she greeted them with a,"Heya!".
It was false but the fact she bothered cracked Diana's emotionless mask.
"Diana Ladris. Nice to meet you," she grinned.
"Et tu. Lily," Lillian responded. The French surprised him. But then, Lily was able to burn without fire hurting her so why couldn't she speak French? No adults, no rules but hey, at least someone can speak French? Then again, Drake didn't really pay attention in most classes. He was quite intelligent, he just didn't care about giving out personal information in another language. Or his own language, for that matter.
Diana reached out to shake Lily's hand - and to read her power- but Lily was faster.
"Power reading, right? It's a nice gift to have. I might replicate it some time," Lily interjected.
Smart girl.  Wait? Replication? That's her power?
Lily held her hand out anyway. As their hands shook, Diana's face changed. She looked completely stunned. Drake felt a weird sense of pride.
Something should trip that bitch up, at least.
"Off the scale. That's a lot of power for a girl who looks like she's just insulted Drake Merwin," admitted Diana. What a bitch.
Drake bragged ,"Lily wouldn't have been able to walk if she'd been through me."
Too late did he realise how...well, sexual it sounded.
As if she didn't know she's attractive.
Attractive was an understatement. In reality, Lillian was hot as hell.
And probably not interested.
Wow, his consciousness was a dick.
"Thanks, I guess," Lily said. It sounded far away and foreign.
"I can get all of you to Perdido in...a minute? Just outside of the actual town. Does that sound good?" Lillian asked.
Caine muttered something to Diana. Most likely it was something along the lines of "Why can't I be the most powerful person in the entire universe?". Caine was his 'friend', but he was a brat. Drake was too, but at least he was bettter at hiding it.
"A chance to prove yourself," Caine taunted.
"Careful, your wording might find me out of a debt," Lillian warned icily.
Caine glowered but remained silent. Diana laughed gaily, enjoying the rare moments when Caine shut up. To be fair, Drake enjoyed them too. That boy didn't give it a break.
"How do we know you're not just going to teleport us into a trap then leave?" Caine demanded warily.
Lily raised an eyebrow and said a shade too flatly,"You don't. And you won't until we get to our destination. Or maybe your final destination. So, Caine, you're going to have to take your head out of your ass and trust someone for once. If Drake goddamn Merwin can do it, you can too."
It felt like an insult but it also felt like praise. It also felt like he was going to be transported into a trap and left there. But Lillian was too powerful for them to disagree with. Drake, the surprising peacemaker in the ongoing conflict, interjected,"If Lily does do that, we still have a favour we can call in. I don't know her that well but she doesn't seem the type to break an oath, right?"
He directed the last of his words at Lily, staring pointedly at her until she responded.
"I swear I won't throw you into any planned danger," Lillian finally swore after a lot of staring.
"Well, there's more Coates kids coming in
cars. We'll have to wait anyway," Caine reasoned.
"I can summon fire at my fingertips, Caine. You think transporting a car is going to be hard?" Lillian gaped disbelievingly.
Caine looked mildly embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck.
Diana looked up from cleaning her nails and whined,"Can we go yet? Lily isn't going to throw me into any danger so let's leave."
Drake had no idea why she sounded so sure.

Arriving on the outskirts of Perdido Beach, the unlikely group caught their breath (Lily especially) and began to formulate a plan of action to work around their "new arrival".
"All of you take orders from me," Caine ordered.
"Nah," Lily disagreed. "She can," Lily said, jerking her chin at Diana.
"He can," Lily said, pointing at Drake himself.
"But I won't," she finished.
Caine's expression was one of fiery rage. Lillian's was one of stubbornness. Let's just say Lily won that round.
"Bitch," Caine murmured.
"I can tell what you're thinking, you know," Lily whispered dramatically.
"Bitch," Caine swore again.
Weird. He'd never been too fond of swearing.
Drake privately agreed (yes, she was hot, doesn't mean she's not a complete and utter-)
Thanks, but you should probably stop.
Lily never seemed to leave his mind. She was on it when she wasn't in it and if she wasn't on it she was in it.
Confusing. I like it.
It was oddly natural having a conversation with someone else inside his head.
To a psychopath, anything is natural.
'Like you're not a psychopath too' Drake thought back.
We'll discuss my problems later. Back to you.

"What are they doing?," Caine asked in abject horror to Diana.
"I..I don't know," Diana admitted, just as horrified. Lillian and Drake were just rolling their eyes at each other and Drake occasionally muttered "Bitch" under his breath. It was quite possibly the strangest thing she'd ever seen. Lillian was past the scale, though, so who knows what she was doing?
What. The. Fuck. Drake Merwin, blushing?
Diana had been completely mentally stable even despite the fact that all the adults had disappeared and kids had superpowers (well, that had been happening for a while, but still).
Completely. But Drake getting attention from a hot, powerful girl? GIRL?
Nope. Diana had cracked under the pressure somewhere along the way. This couldn't be happening. Only, it was. Lillian smirked and Drake rolled his eyes so much Diana almost thought he'd never get them back. Their silent debate was apparently over now.
Caine's expression finally wasn't one of someone who had just witnessed their mother being flayed alive.
"What?" Lillian asked, raising an eyebrow.
Yes, Diana was definitely unstable.

Whipped - Drake Merwin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now