iv-vi. Selina

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Selina cursed as the hairpin broke in the lock, again. She'd been trying to pick the lock for what felt like forever, but every time, the hairpins she took from Vera and Verity would break in the door.

She sighed after her fourth hairpin broke, running a hand through her greasy, gnarled hair. She wished she had her kit with her: they would already be out there and at the police station by then if she had.

"Any luck?" Vera asked. When Selina looked over her shoulder at them, Vera and Verity were standing right behind her, Vera's arms wrapped around her daughter protectively. As if she were worried that Whelan or another one of Cohen's goons would come in at any moment and take her away. A fear that was warranted, if Selina were being honest.

Selina shook her head. "The pin broke. Again." She put her hands in her lap. "Please tell me that wasn't your last pin."

Vera began to dig through her hair, then through Verity's. "That... that was the last one."

Selina put her head against the door and groaned. "I'm sorry. I really thought I could do it."

"It's alright," Vera said quietly.

No, Selina thought to herself. No: it's not.

She stood up from the door and stared at it. She hated it: she hated that she'd just been bested by a damned door.

"Well, I'm out of ideas, now," Selina said, picking at the scabs on her arm.

"So... is that it?" Vera asked, holding her daughter a little closer to herself. "We're just stuck here?"

Selina sighed, folding her arms over her chest. "Yeah. That's how it seems."

Vera sighed, petting Verity on the head. "This evening just keeps going from bad to worse, doesn't it?"

Just as Vera said that, the door unlocked with a click. As if somebody in that house had heard them and was determined to prove Vera right.

Selina made sure to place herself between Vera and Verity and the door, unsure of what was about to come through that door, and whether or not it meant them harm.

But, it wasn't anybody that meant them harm: instead, Whelan just shoved a bloodied-up Ezra into the room with them.

Vera and Verity both ran right into Ezra's arms, nearly knocking him over.

"Don't worry, girlies: Dr. Cohen hasn't forgotten about you," Whelan said. "He'll be just a moment longer."

He slammed the door shut and locked it before any of them could get back out.

"Thank God, you're alright," Vera said. "I thought they were going to kill you!"

Ezra squeezed his eyes shut as tears began to brew in them, taking up some of their hair in his hands.

He opened his eyes and looked at Selina. She knew from the moment she saw that serious look in them that there was something seriously, horribly wrong. More so than she already knew it was.

"What's going on?" Selina asked. She felt horrible about breaking up that touching family moment, but... it had to be done. She had to know what Cohen was planning, so she could prepare herself for it. "What happened? Did he tell you anything?"

"Yes," Ezra said. "Yes, he did."

Vera looked up at her husband. Verity, however, continued her hug: she didn't seem intent on letting go of her father, any time soon.

"What is it?" She asked.

"This has nothing to do with us," Ezra said. "He's trying to get at Haytham: he said that he was going to destroy him and everything he loves."

Selina could feel the blood drain from her face. Everything he loves. That stuck with her more than anything else he'd said. She had a horrible feeling that she knew exactly what Cohen meant by destroying everything he loves.

"That's us," Selina said. "Christ, Ezra: he's talking about us!"

Ezra pulled Vera and Verity a little closer. Verity was starting to cry, now: she got the feeling that she knew too much about what was going on.

"You're right," Ezra said. "I wish you weren't, but you are."

Selina sat down. "Do you have any idea what this is about? Why does he hate Haytham so much?"

"I wish I knew, Selina," Ezra said as he held his family. Selina prayed that that wouldn't be the last time. "I wish I knew."


Hello, one and all, and happy Saturday! I hope your week has treated you well :D

So, just got some housekeeping items for you today. Today, we're getting three chapters! It was originally just going to be two, since this chapter was pretty short, but "The Devil of Whitechapel" was able to break a few personal hotlist records. So, this second-to-last week of updates for "The Devil of Whitechapel" will be action-packed for all.

I'll be doing the dedication on the last chapter of the day, so stay tuned: there's plenty more excitement coming your way this Saturday :D

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