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Julian's (jul) POV

The only thing I remembered about high school was Vic. He didn't hit me but his words hurt he wasn't the worst physically but he was the only one I could remember his eyes , his face , his body were stuck in my head. He was the reason I terned out like this ,the reason I hated my self ,and the reason I couldn't stop asking my self the question: Why did my angel hate me?

Some times I think about why I didn't tell any one. But then I realize I have no one to tell ,my parents didn't care I was only a trophy to them .Its not like I could tell my little brother what could he do and we all know what telling a teacher would do.

So I had all that hate but nothing to take it out on so you can understand that when the teacher showed me that she liked me I didn't hessite to show or at least pretend that I liked her back.

As you can guess that wasn't a good idea because after that I needed sex to live. My friends told me I needed to stop and called me a sex addict but as long a they couldn't make me feel good I ditched them .

Only to end up in a intervention that my brother put together and now I'm in group therapy .One of the questions they asked me was if I ever met him again what would I do .The only thing I could think about was payback. That how my story begins


The reason I bullied people wasn't because I secretly wanted to be them, or because I was jealous of them and what they have that only happens in the movies .I just liked to see how far I could go and how far they would let me .And by doing that I ended up in the cool kids group.

I wasn't strong and I realize that half ...all the kids I bullied could had made me their bitch but they never did. I think If they just said stop I would have probably stopped..


Anyway my home life wasn't bad I wasn't getting abused or anything. But my dad wasn't my real dad and I just couldn't stand him telling me what to do. I was grateful and I loved him but still.So when he said that I had to go to college or he would kick me out I just walked out.

Its not that school was hard for me I was smart and even got a full ride but school was always boring for me so I declined all my offers and that was that ,no regrets



I miss food ,a bed and options

and over one year I realised I'm not who I was anymore I stopped being able to keep a conversation.But its not like people were lining up to talk to me any way. And I realized I was always scared of everyone, I could not tell you how many times I was a victim to drunk beatings and nearly getting raped by someone who said they wanted to help.

I also realized that now I'm a no one. Before I was the it kid and now I'm one of the background characters you know the one with no lines who hopefully doesn't get killed at the end of the movie. And I wasn't a regular background characters I was the hobo one so if I don't get killed by the evil guy I'll die by some unknown dieses that only kills hobos.

I also can't go back because I can't find my Dad I think he planed this.

"we stop checking under the beds for monsters when we realized that they are in us "

I just wish mine would come back and scare my life straight or at least scare someone in to giving me more than a dollar.


what do you think

if you have any suggestion please tell me I'm not that creative

and it only gets better :)

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or punctuation

I'll have a description of them in the next chapter

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