Chapter 7 (Thomas POV)

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to _MazeRunnerForever_ for suggesting I do a Thomas POV!!!

I woke up to my alarm and groaned. Hey at least it was Friday! I got ready and walked downstairs.
"Hey, Chuck!" I said to my little brother. He smiled up at me, after taking a bite of his bacon. I ruffled his hair.
"Stop!" He whined. I laughed and sat down in the seat next to him. My mom was cooking more bacon and my dad was reading the news paper.
"So," my dad said looking up from the paper. "Have you made any friends Thomas?"
"Yeah, I've made some," I said mainly thinking about Teresa. "That reminds me, can I go to the movies later?"
"Yes," my mom replied, with a smile on her face. "With who?"
"One of my friends."
"What's their name?"
I awkwardly scratched the side of my forehead, with my pointer finger. (Heh heh, get it Natalie?)
"...Teresa." I said slowly.
"A girl?" My mom said knowingly.
"She's just a friend, mom! She made that very clear," I mumbled the last part to myself.
"Mmhm," chuck said from the side of me. I pushed his head forward and he laughed.
"Well I gotta go to school... so bye!"
I walked out of the house with my backpack in my hand.


I closed the door of my locker and looked a Teresa's. I hadn't seen her yet. I frowned and turned around. I was soon face to face with Teresa herself.
"Hi!" She exclaimed. I smiled widely at the sight of her.
"Hey!" I said, a little too enthusiastically.
"Are you still on for today?" She asked me.
"Yes, of course."
"Great," She sighed happily.
As she took a step towards her locker, some guy shoved past the people that crowded the hallway. As soon as he shoved into me I tripped and fell, taking Teresa down with me. I had fell on top of her with my forearms by the sides of her head. I stared into her eyes as she stared back into mine.
Suddenly she whispered, " can get off of me now."
"Right! I'm sorry," I said shaking my head and getting up. I helped her up and she smiled awkwardly.
"I'll see you at 2nd period then, " I said quickly. She nodded and I walked away. As I walked I scolded myself.


It was 6th period now. I was hoping this period would go by faster than the others. As it had felt I had been at school for days. I walked all the way to the back. Next to the seat where Teresa usually sits. She walked in a couple of seconds later. With a smile, she sat down next to me and turned. She was facing me and I turned to face her.
"So what movie are we gonna watch?" She asked.
"Anything is fine with me."
"So if I had picked a chick flick, you wouldn't mind watching it?" She said with a smirk. I thought about it for a second then shook my head. "Mmhm"
"I'd rather not, but if I had to I would," I told her. She laughed.
"Yeah, I'd rather not either," she said, still laughing.
"We could watch A Quiet Place?" I suggested.
"Yeah, lets see that."
"Okay then, it's settled."

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