The Reasons You Shouldn't Get Drunk, And The Reasons You Should

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Chapter 1:

Natsu's POV:

It was already midnight and the only people in the guild were Erza, Gray, Juvia, Lucy and me. Wendy was overturned by sleep, so Happy helped Charles take her home. The reason I'm still here is cause Mirajane gave alcohol to Lucy by mistake and right now she's drunk siting on the floor and laughing her head off while Erza give her a worried look and Gray try to make an also drunk Juvia to stay away from him.

"That's it, I'm going home."

"Gray-samaaaaaa . . . Juvia is going . . .  with you."

"Erza please, help me out."

"Natsu, take Lucy with you, or Juvia will follow Gray everywhere."

And with this the three of them walked away leaving me with a happy Lucy that waved her hand for them, then looked at me and yawned rubbing her eyes like a child.

"Natsuuuu, I'm sleepy"

"Come on, on your feet. I'll take you home." I extended my hand and she grabbed but when I lifted her she fell towards me. I sighed and picked her up, her legs in each side of my hip, her head in my chest and her arms around my shoulder. I couldn't help but put my hands on her butt and on her thigh and I blushed. Thank god she's drunk and asleep. I closed the doors and started to walk to her apartment.

*Time Skip*

I untangled her hands as I put her on her bed but she chose this time to wake up and held my wrist.

"Natsuuuu, staaaay"

"What? You always expelled me."

"No, stay. I'm hot."

"And what do you want me to do?"

"Take off my clothes"

"Lucy, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying"

"Take. Them. Off." She tried to take her shirt off but she got tangled in the middle of it and couldn't free herself so she got desperate and began to struggle.

"Alright, alright! Calm down, I'll help you" With this I grabbed her shirt and took it off.

"I need to take a bath" After this she stood up, took her shirt and entered the bathroom. I didn't followed her, he was drunk but not that drunk, she knew what she was doing. I heard the water drop and after a few minutes she closed the tap and got in the bathtub. Her breathing stabilized and I notice that she had fallen asleep, one minute later I heard her drown. I ran and grabbed her shoulders pulling her out of the water and had to carried her out of the bathtub in bride stile. Her wet body watering my clothes. I put her on her feet and wrapped a towel over her trying not to think that I just held her that close naked. My temperature began to rise.

"Natsu, I'm cold"

"Well, put on some clothes."

She just stood there, so I held her hand and dragged her back to the room. I opened her closet and searched for her panties. I saw her putting away once, in a time that didn't matter, but this time, it matters and I was glad she was drunk and didn't realized exactly what was happening. I threw her a pantie, a shirt and shorts and ordered her to wear those turning my back on her. She didn't complain, in fact, I doubt she could completely understand what was happening.

When she finished, at least I think she finished, she held my waist and rested her head on my back.

"Come to bed with me."

So, this wouldn't be the first time that I slept in the same bed with her, but in all those times she was already sleeping when I lay next to her and she only realize in the next morning when she wake up and kick me out of her bed and her apartment.

But this time, she's inviting me.

To sleep.

With her.

In the same bed.

And she's drunk.


People in the guild think that I'm a flame head and flame head only, but I'm a man as well and I have desire. So when your drunk best friend that is beautiful and you already have strange reactions when she's close to you and she asks you to go to bed with her, you just have weird thoughts that's out of your control.

"Lucy, you don't know what you're saying, just go to bed."

"But I want to sleep with yooooou." She rubbed her face in my back.

I turned around in her embrace and thank God she was wearing the shirt, but not the shorts, at least she put her panties.

"Ok, I'll put you in bed". I freed myself from her arms and guided her to bed. I covered her with the blanket and was ready to sleep on the couch when she clung to my arm, not showing sign to let go.

"Natsuuuuu, don't go."

I could feel her boobs squeezed against me, disturbing my thoughts. My body temperature was so high I was afraid that I would burn her.

 "Lucy, you're drunk right now but in the morning you're going to kick my ass out of here."

And then she started to cry, talking the way her father forgot about her after her mother died and he never visited her again in her sleep and this just broke my heart. I couldn't leave her and I felt bad for my impure thoughts.

"Move to the other side Lucy, I'll sleep here."

Her smile was nothing less than wonderful. I lied down and she buried her face on my chest. When she was almost sleeping I could hear her whisper "I really like you, Natsu".


Hey guys. This is the first fanfic that i publish, and english is not my first idiom so if you find any mistakes sorry :(, I'm still learning.

A/N 2:

I just revised and correct a few things after so long. At the end I'm going to give you a little present for bearing with me and reading my first story.

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