Blush For Me Baby

660 17 12


Mutsumi Kazuma


Nanashima Nozomu


Look My Way, For It Is I That Loves You Oh So Dearly


- Normal POV -

As Nanashima walked through the hallway, he so happened to come across the Mutsumi brothers talking to one another. To avoid Sensai's teasing in front of Mutsumi Senpai, Nanashima decided to walk past them without being seen. As he walked by as swiftly as he could he got stopped by Mutsumi Senpai.

"Ah Nanashima I was going to go look for you, aren't we having lunch together?" Mutsumi Senpai asked with his angelic voice.

"Uh yes Mutsumi Senpai, do you want me to go and wait in the cafeteria?" Nanashima quickly suggested, avoiding Sensai who's eyes had been on him the whole time.

"Sorry Nanashima can you wait here with me please I just have something to discuss with my brother, it'll be quick," Mutsumi Senpai asked politely Nanashima couldn't say no especially when his older brother stood there watching intently.

"Yeah sure Senpai," Nanashima replied finally making eye contact with Sensai, who immediately sent him a wink while grinning at him.

Nanashima's head immediately dropped, keeping his eyes on the floor while his face slowly started to flush the colour red crawling up his neck to his ears. He kept quiet as he stood next to Senpai, who noticed the small scene between his brother and friend. He refrained from saying anything and continued the conversation with his brother.

As the both brothers conversed, Mutsumi Senpai noticed his brothers gaze would fall on Nanashima as they spoke, yet he remained quiet 'Maybe I'll ask Nanashima about it later' He thought.

Their conversation had finally finished, "Come on now Nanashima, let's go meet up with the others and have lunch," Mutsumi Senpai spoke up looking at Nanashima with a smile.

"Come on then, let's go Senpai," Nanashima grabbed Senpai ushering him to walk quickly.

Before they could leave Sensai spoke up, "Nana-Kun why don't you take me to lunch with you too?" As always Sensai spoke with a teasing tone.

As Nanashima turned around to face his Sensai and reply with sarcasm, their music teacher had approached Sensai. Mia Sensai stood too close and had her hands all over Mutsumi Sensai's chest, "Why don't you come to lunch with me Mutsumi Sensai?" She asked batting her eyelashes flirtatiously.

"Oh Mia Sensai sure why not, it'd be my pleasure," Mutsumi Sensai responded smirking at Nanashima. "Ahh, really let's go together, only the two of us," Mia Sensai squealed grabbing a hold of Mutsumi Sensai's arm pressing her chest against it.

Nanashima watched in both shock and disgust, 'Is she really hitting on Sensai in front of me' He thought to himself. "Mia Sensai! Have a little shame, seriously stop flirting with Mutsumi Sensai and act professional like you get paid to do," Nanashima raised his voice, giving her a dirty look while pulling onto Mutsumi Senpai walking away from both teachers.

Mia Sensai immediately let go of Mutsumi Sensai's arm, straightened her back and cleared her throat. "Let's go to lunch then Mutsumi Sensai," She smiled awkwardly, to which Mutsumi Sensai lightly chuckled making way to the school cafeteria.

Sensai Please | Kiss Him Not Me | Nanashima X KazumaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon