The End of the Holy War

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The smell of blood lingered in the air. Bodies littered the floor. The sky filled with dark gray clouds that hung low.

A lone figure stood among the corpses he was wearing a white cloak that was covered in blood wrapped around him as if it was protecting him. He glowed against the dark red and gray around him.

His head was hung low, his silver-white hair shadowing his pale face. In his right hand was a broad sword with a black cross. His eyes were on the dead person who laid there before him. He had an ash gray tint to his skin his golden eyes glazed over. He was larger than any normal person a permanent grin plastered on his face and in his hand was the same broad sword but the colors were inverse.

The boy's lips parted and he spoke, "It's over, Uncle."


A voice whispered out to the the boy in white.

The boy looked over to a man who was on the ground his face was cracked like a vase.

"It's Allen, Bakanda...... "

"Che" The man scoffed. "Is the war over?"

"Yes......" Was the boy's reply

The man with the cracked face paused as his body was slowly cracking more. "Thank you...." he stops for a moment "Allen....." The man's last words drifted away in the wind, leaving the boy alone in a field of blood.

The boy stood there for a few moments then started shaking tears flowing out of his silver eyes. He fell to his knees sobbing silently his shoulders trembling his cape was gone along with his sword. His left hand raked though his pure white hair revealing his Pentagram scar while he was clenching his right hand. He gritted his teeth. Crying harder.

His eyes looked over to a young man with bright red hair his once lively green eye with a gleam of mischief was now dull and lifeless. The left side of his chest had a deep wound a puddle of blood around him. Lavi..............

His silver eyes then glanced over to a young woman with emerald green hair. He looked into her eyes that were once a beautiful dancing violet but now they were clouded by death. Lenalee...........

He then looked over to see the Japanese samurai slowly fading away his eyes looking at something off in the distance. Kanda...................


They're gone......forever

The boy's sobs became louder as it started to rain, the rain seemed to cry with the boy. The rain growing stronger along with his sobs.

Allen..... We should go. Allen recognized the voice as Neah his adoptive uncle.

Allen nodded and open the Ark a white glowing gateway appeared and Allen, the boy entered. But before he fully entered the Ark he looked back at his dead friends.

I'm so tired..... my vision is getting wound is bleeding......


Allen stumbles through the Ark his legs growing weaker with every step.


I'm falling through a Ark gate.....


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