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Henry Grant grew up in the American Suburbs of New York. The roaring 20's. Career choices and fun times galore. Henry Grant always knew he had potential, but always felt it was unfulfilled. Like one of those shitty New York cabob's the local vendors were always handing out, telling them mentally it was like it was their own due.

He had joined the life early. When he was 5, he had knew this boy with bodyguards always at his side, and wearing a tuxedo that obviously didn't fit him, but his father still made him wear it. Henry had ALWAYS, knew to seize an opportunity and take advantage of it. He would always study the boy, Jack. He thought it was a shitty name considering the times. Humor, Personality, anything that would help him succeed in life.

Once he was 15, in high school, with average grades and his parents always pushing him to do more, he decided he wanted a change in his shitty ass life for once. He decided to take it slow. He befriended his unlikely friend. Made good friends with Jack. One day, he revealed his plan to Jack, and Jack was in immediately. Because they were such good friends, by the time Henry was 17, he had decided it was time. Jack had smuggled a gun into school, and give it to Henry discretely. Henry got on the bus, rode home, and had gotten off.

He had gotten inside, taken out the gun. His parents loved him, but they always felt something off with him when they were around him. Henry had walked into the living room with gun in hand, and had aimed the gun at his dad, who's back was turned towards him. He had shot his dad in the back, killing him instantly. Then he pointed the gun in hand towards his Mom, with tears in his eyes. His mom had pleaded he stopped, and had all the emotions filled up in her whilst begging for her life. He had pulled the trigger in hate and love. He had no reason to kill his parents. None at all. He had just done it because he was done with his life. This was all done on his 18th birthday.

Fast forward 15 years.

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