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WARNING: This story is infested with grammatical errors. So please bear with it.



"I'm sorry Chace" Serena said on the other line "But this isn’t working anymore" She admired herself of not sounding hoarse.

"Is this what you want?" Chace voice was so calm. How can he be so calm after all?

Wait, is this what she really want? Breaking up with him? God knows how much she loves him. That’s why she didn’t break up with him the day that she decided to pursue her career here in Paris. The love that Serena and Chace have is enough for Serena to believe that this long distance relationship will work or so she thought. It’s a year since Serena left. For those time it’s been okay with them, Chace even visit her one time just to surprise her on her birthday and they spend their alone time for two days, thank God she doesn’t have scheduled rehearsal that time.

But things changed, there comes the time that they don’t seem to have time for each other anymore, she's been busy rehearsing, she will come home late and leave early the next day but even though it was like that she always made sure to ring Chace just to say I love you and how much she missed him. While Chace on the other hand has its own problem, the company his dad built are started to fall, his dad needed Chace a hundred percent attention, Serena understand that but then Chace mom died, everything is falling apart to him what worst is, Serena can't be there with him. She still remembered how Chace cried over the phone begging her to come, that he needed her. She don't know what to do, she needed to attend the audition of the leading role she's been dreaming for long.

But Serena love Chace so much, strong enough that she leave her audition role just to fly back to New York to be with him only to find out that Chace is kissing another woman. What make it painful is that the woman she caught Chace kissing is her childhood bestfriend. Chace saw her with a shocked expression he ran after her, explaining everything, begging for Serena’s forgiveness. But she was hurt, she didn’t know what to do, she gave up her audition dream role for Chace, and then this is what she got? She just can't blame Chace, right? It was also her fault she wasn’t there when he needed her the most, but she is just late, after all she still came.

Not knowing what to do, she asked Chace to leave her alone, give her time to think. The pain she'd been through, it’s been killing her inside. She came back right away to Paris.

She thought Chace will follow her but he didn’t. Chace if only he knew...........

"Yes" She finally let her tears fall but she still sounded fine. She needed to, for Chace..... for both of them

"You’re just making it official anyway" Chace said. Yes maybe I'm just making it official. But to hear this coming from the only man she ever loves. It doubled the pain inside.

The line has been cut for almost an hour now. Her tears won’t just stop from falling. Is it really over?

Chace, her Chace.... I’m so sorry, I'm so sorry that I don’t have enough courage left to fight the love I have for you.

Serena look at her clock, she needed to get up now, Madame would gone mad now if she came to rehearsal late again. Then Serena to her horror saw herself from her bathroom mirror, Gosh! She look like a walking zombie now, this is not good. For sure Madame will notice it, her eyes, her eyes no longer has its glint of excitement, of sparkle, of passion. It’s all because of him.

Oh please! She doesn’t want to think about him anymore. This will surely take a hell of time to move on and forget everything.

After a long hour in preparing Serena is now all set, she make sure did cover her eye bags really well. For a ballerina like her, appearance is also important.

Little did Serena know, while she's on her way to the ballet studio she will meet an accident.


An accident that will leave a mark for the rest of her life


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