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Hey Jennie

Who is this ?

It's Jungkook

How'd you get my number?

I asked Rose

But Rose dislikes you at the moment

Not anymore , I told her what happened

And she believed you?

Yea , why wouldn't she

Maybe because you guys don't even know each other and she just trusted you

Jennie..I really don't get why you're so mad at me..I thought we solved this

I'm not mad

Really now? You got upset because rose trusted me and gave me your phone number.

Well..we're not close enough to have each others numbers

Wow..Jennie just wow. Ya know I thought you were different..I really liked you and you're getting mad just because I stood you up ONCE on ACCIDENT


I don't even care anymore



Yes jennieee?

Why'd you give my number to Jungkook ?

I thought you wanted to talk to him

No I don't , I'm trying to forget about him



Is it because of the recent hate comments you've been receiving ?

No..I just don't want to be something with anyone..

Oh..I'm sorry

It's okay , just don't give people my number without my permission

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